eh Pr | Baseball ¢ Gomes \ \ ¥ Se ae : ie Missouri at Columbia : May 9th and 10th (Friday and Saturday) : \ i\ | , Coach Allen, Bukaty, and Nesmith, trainer. Wo Players: Biems, Kresie, Pierce, Allen, Green, Hale, Thompson, Krum, Burge, Hunter, Nipper, Johnston, Martin. 1 private car 184 niles x 2 -- 568 niles @ 5g per mile $18.40 — 1 private car " a 18.40 1 Ford Gas and oil $5. 09, Repairs (Burge) $4.25 9.34 Supper Thursday night (May 8th) Enroute : 10.62 Hotel-Thursday (May 8th) and Friday (May 9th)-- a meals Friday (May 9th) &-Sat. (May 10th) 50¢-breakfast, 60¢, lunches; 665/ dimmers 108.12 Gum, $1.00; Fruit, $1.60; Medinces, $1.10; Drinks, $2.45; Incidents1, 90¢; phones, .55 6,60 Shows--16 K 35¢ oe ‘65: Total $177.08 Nebraska at Lincoln: May 12-13 (Monday and Tuesday) Coach Allen, Bukaty, and Nesmith, trainer. Players: Biems, Kresie, Pierce, Allen, Green, Hale, Thompson, Krug Burge, Hunter, Nipper, Johnston, Martin. 1 private car 217 K 2 -- 432 miles @ 5¢ per mile § & 217 X 2 -- 432 miles @ 5¢ per mile | 1 ‘Ford Gag & O11 $6.18, Fuses, .65; repairs $1.25 Supper Sundey night (May llth) enroute | Hotel--Sunday (May llth) and Monday (May 12th) nights @1,25 41.45 Meals--Lincoln--Monday (Way 12th) Tuesday (May 13th) 8 meals 60.85 Show-~16 X 35¢ 5.60. Gur, -50; Newspapers, .40; fruit, 1.10; drinks, 2.40; incid. 1.40 5.80 Total $177.83