CAVALRY REPLACEMENT TRAINING CENTER FORT RILEY, XANSAS March 4,1942. Mr.Forrest C.Allen, Physical Education Direetor, University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas. Dear Mr.Allens: I view of the Measle Quarantine that hes hampered us at every turn here at the Cavalry Replacement Center I have failed to answer your letter ai an earlier date for a game with your Freshman. Even now I question the possibilities due to more and mcre troops being quarantined. It may be possible that in a short time we will be able tocome, if such be the case be will have our own trensportation end in all probability return shortly after the game,however I will contact you when we see the way clear to come. Thanking you for the interest you have shcwn and sincerely hoping that we will be able to see you in the near future. Very truly yours, Uo’ Lee lst.sieut.,Cav., m Special Services Officer.