Hibb-CLARKE MACHINERY GO. Established 1860 OFFICES PLANT 649 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD 2lst ST. AND KILBOURN AVE. PHONE HAYMARKET 7660 CHICAGO CABLE ADDRESS REMAND” USA, A.W.W!GGLESWORTH, PRESIDENT T. H. PRICE, SECRETARY H.W. MONS, vicE PRESIDENT t L.E.MURPHY, Asst. TREASURER W. L. DITFURTH, TREASURER CHICAGO R.B. COLTER, SUPERINTENDENT August 11, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am just in receipt of your kind letter of August §& and very much appreciate being your golf guest on Friday, September 5. They say that fools run where angels fear to tread, and that is my case so far as golf is concerned, but I am in the same position as the Scotchman, who upon being asked if he played golf, replied in the negative, but said he couldn't let the game alone. Getting back to more important things, I want to tell you how much Mrs. Mons and I enjoyed meeting Mrs. Allen, and if her husband is half as good as she is, we have nothing to be worried about regarding our about to be acquired new daughter. As Mrs. Mons has written Mrs. Allen, we are planning on arriving in Lawrence some time before 9:00 Friday morn- ing; will let you know later definitely regarding this. rs again wish to thank you for your nice letter, and am looking forward to meeting you. Most cordially, rue Lone HWM*O0