tre Thomas R. Bowen S Manager of the Tiger Hotel Columbia, Missouri Dear Mre Dowens Qur [ansas baseball team desires rooms at your Tiger Hotel, Thursday and Pridey evening of thie week. We're playing Missouri, Fridy and Saturday, but we will come down Thursday evening and we may _ drive back after the game on Saturday afternoons Our baseball finances do not permit the same expenditures as do our. football and besketball budget. Thorefore, we desire more modest aecomo- dationse If you have such things as team rooms where boys can double Up, OF, if you were crowded " could use wenple 3 rooms with steel cotse In eth er wile, se trying to savé some money om our traveling expenses - begause our budget does not permit even normel expenditures for this sport. Therefore, x will appreciate any cooperation you can give us. With kindes* regards to you end your good femily, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball anc Baseball Coaches