- August 4, 1941, - Mr. Roy Roberts, ยป Mo. Dear Vr. Roberts: Dr. Forrect C. "Fogg" Allen, Director of Athletics, Kansas University, will make an address at the regular meeting of the Sanford Brown, Jr. Post of the American Legion, Monday, August 11, at 7:45 P.M., at Ivanhoe Golf & Country Club, 86th & Holmes St., Kansas City, Mo. ea Members of the American Legion Junior Baseball Teams of the Greater Kansas City area are invited to be present to hear Dr. Allen's address, "Sportsmanship and Americanism", 7 What sports , as | a ic con- tests, ean do for the defense of America and American- LSMe Sincerely yours, SANFORD BROWN, JR. POST #124, TIM: LM Thornton J. Manry, Commander. ann ipeene enneieep eH AMNT LOGI REE OR CERT Ta Nad ?