ErĀ» Thornton Je Menry, 1016 Welnut Stes Kansas City, Mos Dear Mrs Manry : I acknowledge your kind favor of the 26th instant asking that I speak at the Ivanhoe Colf and Coumtry Club, S6th and Holmes Street, on August llth at 7:45 peme to the members of your Americen Legion Jumior Baseball Team, together with their coach and the Baseball Committee and their families. I aa very happy to accept your invitation, and you may coumt on my being present at that time. It will be a pleasure to see you and I might add, you are very kind to take care of gas and oil for our trensportation. "ith all cood wishes, I am : Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach.