WEDNESDAYS IN FEBRUARY February 7— 6:30 p. m. Annual “DADS & LADS STAG DINNER” Program in charge of The Men’s Class. R. C. Woodard, Teacher—Harry Dunn, President oe May be secured through any of the Guild District eaders. February 14— 7:30 p.m. Valentine Party for the Junior High School Depart- ment of the Church School. Mrs. Clyde Burk, Supt. 7:30 p. m. Quarterly Meeting of the Church School Officers and Teachers—R. L. Steinheimer, Sut. February 21— 7:30 p. m. Monthly Meeting of The Official Board of the Church. Devotional Service conducted by Young People. Group meetings of the various Boards follow the general Board meet- ing. : February 28— Annual “MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET.” In charge of the Women’s Society of Christian Service. Mrs. R. C. Woodard, President Mrs. Art Schroll, President Trinity Guild. Mrs. J. J. Brownlee, President W. F. M. S. Mrs. O. J. DeWater, President W. H. M. S. — 30c. May be secured from any of the Guild District eaders. ITEMS OF INTEREST Musical program for the Youth Month is under the direction of Mr. Orcenith Smith, Director of Music, and Mr. Robert W. Mitchner, Organist. Trinity has teams of boys entered in each of the three Divisions of the Y- Church Basketball League. Senior games are played at Sherman Gym, Intermediate games at Senior High Gym, and Junior games at the Y. M. C. A. gym. The schedule is printed in our Bulletin each week. Our people are invited to attend these games. The annual dinner for Cub Pack 50 and their parents will be held in Fellowship Hall, Thursday evening, February 29. Collectors for the February services will be selected from various young people’s organizations. They are directed by our regular Chief Ushers, Mr. Curtis E. Peugh for Morning Worship, and Mr. J. C. O’Donnell for Evening Worship. Youth Division Meetings follow the Vesper Services each Sunday evening at 6:00 p. m. under the leadership of Mr. Smith. All young people are invited to attend these meetings. Special programs are planned for February. Special Services are to be held each evening during Passion Week, March 17 to March 24. Our young people will have a share in these services. The Methodist Advance meeting for this section of the country will be held at the Wichita Forum, Monday, March 4. Bishop Charles L. Mead presiding. This is a part of the national program for renewal of dedication by Methodists to the work of the Kingdom. We want a large delegation from Trinity to attend the meeting. CHRIST OF THE ANDES “s hall these mountains crumble into dust than the peoples of Argentina ana’ Chile break the peace which at the feet of Christ the Redeemer they have aintain.” ; : age ihe inscription on a 20-feet-high granite pedestal carrying the impressive statue “Christ of the Andes”, erected in 1904 as a symbol of everlasting peace. It stands a short distance south of the snowy peak of Aconcagua, above La Cumbre Pass, on the frontier between Argentina and Chile, to mark the end of a dispute between these two nations which had lasted over half a century. Cast from the bronze of guns removed from frontier fortresses and melted down in the Arsenal at Buenos Aires, the statue was taken by train as far as the rails were laid; then drawn on gun carriages by mules to the summit, and where even mules failed at the ascent, soldiers and sailors of both governments dragged it up with ropes to its 13,000 foot site on the mountain top.