November 11, 1940 Mre Horace Mason Sports Publicity Director Kansan Office University of Kansas Dear Horace: I notice where Bob Busby quoted you and Harold Keith as saying it was @ cinch for Kansas to put over a winner this year in basketball, I am sure that you understand that Ire Harold Keith is a very wise and nonegullible persons 2 i am wondering if you !mow that Bruce Drake has made confidential statements te some of his friends that he has the best possibilities for a championship team this year that he has ever had since he has been theres He states that he has a better outfit than Nellatt, ifesh, Scheffler, et al. Doubtless you know thet he has Ford, the big six-footeseven acrobat; Corbin, who was incligible last year but who was his hoteshot the year befores Ramsey, the allestate Illinois star, and another allestate man from Tllinoise These last two boys roomed at Bruce Drake's home during their sophomore yeare I an getting the dope, but from ail avpearances Oklahoma thinks they have it this year but are playing the dark horse ideas Se please do not be gullible enough to come out with such a wild statement as Mr. Busby attributes to yous We have lost Ebling, one of the most valuable men and cluteh shooters; Diek Harp and Bruce Voranm, All three of these men were seniors and top pere formers in the pinchese We also lost Miller, of course, who got hurt, and who put games on the ice like Loyola and Nebrasim, You see we have lost all of our scoring punch, so to speaks Kline, who is a good defense man but who cannot score, Bobby Alien, who is a good bail handler but who cannot score, and Fngleman, are the ones left out of the sevene in other words, most of our scorers, both on the offense and defense, have been loste We have a good defensive team, but we have lost the seniors and you cannot replace seniors with sophomores and have a great deal of luckes We will still be smalls smiler than last year. Bven so, do not make the foolish statement which is quoted as coming from youe Maybe you did not make its I hope note Iota: State is expecting definitely to do things because Louis Menze told me he could not understand the debacle that took place in his team, and he is expecting them to come through this year because he has the size and the ages. We have neither the size nor the age for an offensive team, but it Mre Mason | Page Two — | Nove 11, 1940 will be just like it ws last years we will have to fight our hearts out to get anywhere, and we will have to have luck and a phenomenal increase in efficiency to score enough points on teams, all of who will outwoigh and oute reach uSe | : | Very cordially yours, = Director of Physical Education and Recreation Co Varsity Basketball Coach FOAslg : _ November 13, 1940 ire Condra Hy. Miller, Principal Richmond Grade School Richnond, Kansas Dear Mire Millers _Ne @re sending you a schedule for our home basketball seasone I will turn your letter over to urs Herl Falkenstien, the Financial Searetary of the Athletic Association, who will make you @ price on the tickets, Director of Physical Pusation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach cae FeAslg cc: Mre Falkenstien | GR'RLvStew RICHMOND GRADE SCHOOL CONDRA H. MILLER, PRINCIPA Richmond, Kansas, Fog, 11998. Os Sauk ALbew, Tie 2 er os December 6, 1940 Ure Charles Le Witehell Crane & Company Topele, Kansas Dear Charlie: | Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness ie cen 8G we the page fram the Now York Herald Tribens as of November 29, | It was nice of you to think of me and I REE TO wanting 2% ony With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsl¢g FROM THE DESK OF. CHARLES L. MITCHELL . TOPEKA, KANSAS December 7, 1940 The Reve Leslie Miller Washington Avenue Methodist Chureh Kansas City, Kansas fear Reve Millers I find that January 22 comes just two days after our last game with Kansas State in Manhattan, which is prior to our examination date; therefore, I | if open on January 22 and if you desire me te keep that date for you I would be glad to be with : ‘ | makes no provision for travel expenses so it would be necessary for me to have 6¢ 2 mile cach wy. I happen to drive a Buick Roadmster, af I realize this is extravagante on wy part, tf as a family and as a personal car, and since + eae alteidl Gos’ x aly ene GEE the to If this arrangenent is agreeable with you I will be happy to hear from you confirming the dates Thanking you for your kird wishes regarding my talk to the Hielwelve Group, I am, - Sincerely yours, 8 ; Ha Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Washington Avenue Methodist Church LESLIE MILLER, PASTOR i Ransas City, Kansas December 6, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: First, may I take this added opportwmity to express again my deep appreciation of your splendid talk to our Hi-Twelve group and "Cham- ier pions" last Wednesday noon. pi

never would get his mail deliver- ed,” he said. Allen, at the same time, re- affirmed his charge that com- mercialism and bleed =: is causing college “ football to “die PO et of its own rottenness.”” He also complained that there is a “rising professional tendency in college’ aa ketball.” * * o* COLLEGE HEADS BLAMED “The college presidents are at fault in the beginning,’ he said. “Why should we sugar coat and lie to high school athletes when in the long run supplying them with an educa- tion is the basic purpose of college? “Swayed by his inexperience: and glowing promises of ‘gold,’ the high school athlete is at tne mercy of profit-seeking coaches who see in him only the means to build a foot-, ball team,” he added. Allen indicated that the - fang themselves are growing tired of the “hypocrisy” with which colleges proselyte prospective stars, and added that “out and out profes- sionalism would be an BOTY RE OR over the present system.’ My * a Eo NO PROMISES, ‘HE ‘SAYS The Kansas coach, whose basket# }ball teams have won 16 champion- \ships in the 23 years he has been at the university, said that never had he been guilty of luring “unsuspect- ing young rabbits into the fold with glowing promises of board, Toont; laundry and other chattels. | - “To me, the respect of my athletes is much more valuable than a basketball championship,” he said, “Jt has always been my policy to rank school work ahead of basket- pall, My present policy of not play= ing the boys who have lower than : average baeks up. this statement.’ July 12, 1941 Judge lugh Means, lawrence, Kansass Dear Judge Hughs Thank you very much for your lovely letter regarding the playground. 1 aiways appreciate a letter many, many times more then I do a greetinge While the greeting has — the personal effect which cannot be substituted, the letter entails a lot mere effort. And the fact that you sat dom and wrote me this letter makes me know you not only define — itely felt what you said but you teok the time to write ite It wag goed of you to do thise I got a great deal of pleasure from seeing the child= ren playing and 2 do know too that they are developing their physical bedies as well as thoir emotional selwes. If a youngster can have a a ee ee © eee eee oe a fine heritage, and certainly I lmow of no place in the world where inspirations can be developed te a higher degree than on top of Mount Oread where it is cool, lovely and restiule The tiny ones may not appreciate all the men who have gone before, but the teeneage youngsters know of such men as you and others who have derived their finest inspirations on Mount Oread, and it is a goed place for all of us to assemble. Won't you come up some evening with Mree Means and enjoy this with the children? Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Bdueation and Recreation, — FOAsAH Varsity manors Coache HUGH MEANS JUDGE OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATE OF KANSAS DOUGLAS, FRANKLIN AND ANDERSON COUNTIES fe] x Ay * Zs 2 oes ibe ee eee oe . SEEN CE ee RF Mt Cage. heeaecte Hh. goo , 4 Wi eee nee August 15, 1951. Mre I. Je Meade, Lawrence National Bank, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear I. Je: I regret exceedingly that I will be out of town next Monday. I am working in the school of coaching with the Iowa High School Athletic Association where a group of us basketball end football coaches are teaching the youth of Iowa theoretically, at least, how to do the job. 7 I am very anxious to hear your portrayal of some of the indidents back in Davies County when my grandfather and you worked together. I have often wanted to sit Wown and have you tell me some of those anecdotes and some of the high lights of your early boyhood, and to learn more regarding my grandfather. He was always a hale fellow well-met when he came down to visit us, and of course it is human nature to learn more of those that have gone before, especially if they happen to be our for- bears. I am asking you to kindly save your manuscript so that I can read it upon my return home. After you have finished with it if you will kindly mail it to my office in Robinson Gymasium here at the University I will appreciate it. Or I could stop the bank and pick it up when I return to Lawrence. With appreciation and best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. August 26, 1941. Mr Ie Je Meade, Vice President, Lawrence National Bank, Lawrence, K ansase — Deer Iedes I have just returned to my desk after my trip ae UC ee Lewrence Retery Clubs It was full of good humor and was greatly en- joyeds Especially did I enjoy the remarks you made concern- ing my grandfather. He was a grand old gentlemeng although I was very young when I had the pleasure of being with hin. The compensations that we mortals have in learning about our relatives from some of our other friends is highly gratifying. With @11 good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches December 13, 1940 Mre ~ Mason Sports Licity Director News Bureau thiversi ty of Kansas Dear forace: Mire Louis Walker, 2103 Harriet South, Minneapolis, Minnesota has asked for a roster of the basketball team. 3 I told Mre Walker I would ask you to send him @ copye I would appreciate your taking care of this mtter. Thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, | Directer of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FPCAsglg live Clarence Moody Editor Chanute Tribune Chanute, Kansas Tear Mre Moody: Enclosed is a copy of a letter thnt I have just written to Mr. Bill Gray. | This is for your 1nformations Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Baucation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach December 14, 1940 Mr» James lmlone S06 Pond Street DeKolb, Illinois Dear Mire Malone; I have just received your post card dated Decenber ll in which you ask for materiel on the individual defense of a players You doubtless are acquainted with my new book which was published by the licGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, entitled Better Dasketbalie I put everything into this book thet a coach Or &@ teacher or player or even an official would desire. I have - included in it the individual defense, the individual offense, the team offense, the deam defense, the tactics and strategy, etes Better Basketball contains 163 action photographs and 86 diagrams of plays, together with information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletis injuries, bandaging, emergencies, and so forthe The cost of the text is $4.00 parcel post prepaide I will be glad to autograph a copy for you if you will mail me a money order for §4,00. | | Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsl1g KA One ino (THIS SIDE OF CARDIS FOR ADDRESS } Sa Se Sa December 235, 1940 Ure Arthur Morse Intercollegiate Pasketball Assne 10 S. laSalle Ste Chicago, Illinois Near lire Morses I promised you a bastetball play quite sometime ago, end I find thet I failed to send it to yous itis hecenath enclosed and = may use the sane et your conveniences I trust this is not too late. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation | Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig Fnte Mre Arthur Morse Intercollegiate Basketball Association 10 Se laSalle Street Chicago, Illinois Dear Mr. Morse: I am glad to have your letter of the 5th instante I eam diagraming two plays and sending them elong with this letter. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach