October 26, 1940 re Lele Means Athletics Director "SafeePlay" Goggles Caapany Beloit College Beloit, Wisconsin Dear Ur. Means: _ E have a preseription fron another boy, Ure Marvin Sollenberger, from Dre JeHe Schrant of futehinson, Kansas, I em enclosing it herewiths However, we have not received the classes fos Gavin Walher 06 yet und Die Sabrent otahed he sent the prescription to you quite e while ago. Tem wendering why the dolaye Wi22 you please keep this prestrirtion for Ymrvin Sollenberger, and when the glasses for Charles Walker arrive and we find them satisfactory, Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg EMGe