ne cl an gre ese C. B. FRANCISCO, M. D. Orthopaedics SUITE 623 ARGYLE BLDG. “SES tonveP Sth, 1940 Mr. Gwynn Henry, Direetor of Athletics University of Kansas 7 Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Henry: In ret Ralph Miller. BONSAI ESS ORS RRR | I wanted to tell you that I saw Ralph Miller at the elinie at Lawrence, Kansas on August SOth, 940, and on the whole I am fairly well pleased with his kne@. , He has some relaxation of the jor - not more than one expects after removal of thel|& and external semilunar cartilage. He is appare tly symptom free, in that he makes no compsad of ft He said that he had been“tesac— walking, end that he had p. d a little soft bal, one run the bases for him had dgwe-~no wrk of Wy that put any stress on the joint. As I wrote you of Aun 940, If at the time of the last operatign, May 74*2, 1940, that the articular cartilage of the externg@i 96fiyle had worn away somewhat, and I realized then that{t(would require time for this cartilage to be reggnel . A \ now that it would ‘be best td pngage in any competitive will repair #fd the joifi farther trouble with th competitive Atilet s heal to the point that he will have no mee, and that he could then go back into y & big Ways | mZ“Aittle afraid that he will try to get back into shape, even though he doesn't get into athletics this year and I fear if he makes such an attempt he is ssueay se oe 11s knee, and that if he < o to stay out of athletics then he should stay out completely and take no chances with this knee, be+ cause I do feel that he could injure it rather easily and thet if he does injure it egaim there would be noway that I know of to repair it, My recommendations are then: that he keep out of athletics molly and come oy for this next year: that he refrain from all sorts of | athletic sports: that if he is not willing to refrain completely then I think he just as well go into competition. « Ralph Mill C. B. Francisco, MeDe