October 4, 1940 e Louis Menge Seach Cellege : oe _ The enelesed carbon copy of Mrs Placzek's letter and mine ere self-explanatory, I will appreciate it if you will send him the information he desires BigeSix Conference, and also the none conference schedules, if you have them available. By the way, Louie, what about the stecl backe it Se ti uni] onee, 1 think we should agree to one or the other and settle the mttars Tabla weey wnth: Lila Se Abbie tp hte weekend and see the Iowa Stete-lansas game, but I will not be able to do so under the conditionse With all good wishes to ments Gevrae and . keith, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical “ause tion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach