Tilden, Nebraska March 21, 1940 ‘Dr. F.C. Allen University Kansas _eeerence, Kansas. 3 Dear Mr. Allen: | eee Greece I received ee you was ce N, oven er 1936, my junior year in Tarkio College. I was. in Lawerence on Thanksgiving vacation during “which time you treated my knee. I had received ae sharp >low on the outside of my risht’ knee which. caused it to swell and hecome stigt. a my hack w : The treat- ments you gave me consisted 3 “of working — which tended to looséh the suscle _ eontraction and the nerve tension. The knee healed rapidly after the treatments and I played foot- hall the ae cutee) aah s It has never *othered me since. CS s I am still Soooty eeetetat. for the oa the fine hospitality and consideration you gave me while in Lawerence. , a have’ had the opportunity to receive some. literature concerning your new game "hi-goal" and am considering putting it up on our play grounds for the grade school. it should “e. just the thing for then. | rhank tae you again for your time ane consideration. | Sincerely yours,