1740 ca Manufacturers of WEBB Zeolite id Afb SS PEAS. AA A LT TT Webb Industrial ae WEBB MANUFACTURING CO. Webb Portable Webb Soft Water Bottle Engineers and Manufacturers of Water Correctional Apparatus WEBB FILTERS: 1813 BALTIMORE AVENUE -: KANSAS CITY, MO. WEBB DE-ALKALIZERS: We knew a young lad who was raised on the KAW This boy was quite lucky to have as his PAW A man whom we know ty the quaint name of PHOG Who's wits were alive and ne'er in a FOG The Dad seemed to like to play all kKimd of sports But there is one game, if we believe all reports, That he majored in and it was his chief aim To be perfect in, we refer to The Basket Ball Game. So Dad raised this kid to follow him through To pla . this game as his old man used to do. And he s playing the game ## no matter the toll Sure he'll always shoot true, and try for a goal. Dear Phog;-- I just could not help tut BUST into song after these two pictures appeared in the daily press. You must te proud of the kid, I know I always swell up when I find occasion to say " Why yes, I know Phog Allen". My daughter found this first picture and when she showed it to ms she asked the usual question and I made the usual answer. Good luck for 1940. I am wishing it for myself but I'll be darned if I know just where it is coming from. I8Ll be seeing you if and when I gat out to Lawrence again. a0. L. WONG 7 2308 Bast 41st%t. Yours t