(OOK PAINT & \/ARNISH (OMPANY P.O. Box 7 - College Park Station DETROIT, MICHIGAN FACTORIES & BRANCHES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES March 15th, 1940. Dre Fe. C. Allen, Athletic Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog":- CONGRATULATIONS on your well deserved victory over Oklahoma - It is too bad you could not have won the game you played them at Norman. Also want to thank you for the courtesy extended me when in Lawrence, as I certainly appreciated your kindness in allowing me to sit on the bench and see one of the best games that I have ever seen. It also gave me an opportunity of seeing a lot of old friends that I had not seen for years - and I certainly got a tremendous "wallop" out of it. With best regards to you and your team, I am, Sincerely, ae Je Re Mosby JRM/AB