20, 193% ZI trust thet you heve a great year at Tech, With kindest regards and best wishes, I on Very Director of Physioal Eduoetion end Recreation, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE ~~ DEPARTMENT OF | INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dear Dr. Allen: Several of the boys have told me thet you had detected a mistake in one of my stories in ous to John Bunn and the fact that he was a ten letter winner. I apprestate the fact that you are interested acne in my work to read my releases and help me straighten out some of my ideas. I have to confess that I wrote that Bunn was “one of two men who had earned ten letters at K.U." without checking on it. Too often I write things like that just because I have them in the back of my — When I wrote this sentence I was thinking that someone else had won ten awe. Some time ago I took the time to look through the list of lettermen in one of Mre Dill's score books just to see how many letters different men had won. I happened to run across another man then who gad won 10 letters and although his feat can be discounted because he won six letters in baseball, this was what I had in the back of my mind when I wrote that Bunn wes one of two. Upon checking I find that the men was A.F. Sherman and I am leaving the score book for you to check. I helive that we both were pretty much right. Bunn was the ony man to legitdmately win 10 letters, but Sherman also won that many « Thankk again for your constructive criticism, Horace Mason Georwtary to Dre Pa Os Allon, Diresetor of Physical Educati one 8 ; 3 pe ‘ | ee al agg [UEE fe BERS rH pho du: i iM se i iF g pits § + sf sais i 3f 4 18 i Uy ciel ae if H fal ial i an : a iat 3 u ibet® ; ad ba yy a als ui HE ay iol eg fils ate gh jim ai igi Mo Un si October 2, 1959. their copiese > : Director of Physical Education and POAsAH : Varsity Basketball Coach. Mre Ge Me Miles, Supervisor of Physical Education, New York City Public Schools, New York City, Hele Dear lr. Miles: In the Imy, 1959, issue of the Journal of Health and Physical Eduontiom there wes mention of the ex~ cellent bulletin of the New York State Public High If there is 2 sony of thie bulletin eveilable we should be very hapny to receive the sane. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Baslsetball Coache May &, 1939 6 should be very glad , this issue of to receive a copy of = sass te Eas Se Cade he uae eects t wae will be happy to iuourse youe Jemes iH» Raport, Instructor in Physical Educations October 4, 1939s ia i i a th Ge ie | une in . eas i | i a8 Hie ei . ; 3 of une a Bducation and Recreation, Very simerely yours, ' Chancellor Deane We Malott University of Kansas Dear Chencellor Malott: Your note to Doctor Allen stating your desire for some physical recreation was directed to mee Ve have orgunksed a group of faculty members to play badminton and volleyball on Wednesdseys and Fridays at 6:00 pem. The gymnasium fleor is also reserved | for faculty use on Mondays and Yednesdays from 2:30 to 4:80, and we are organizing a faculty group for various sports during those hours. Handball courts are aveilable during most of the afternoon hours. fhe present plan is to reserve the. swimming peol for faculty use during hours convenient to the faculty members. What days end hours during the afternoon would you like to swim? We would be pleased to have you join any of our faculty recreational groupse If the above hours are not convenient for you, come over anytime ; we'll alweys be able to provide you with "some competition." Yours sincerely, Ee Be De Groot, JP o EBDG:CG Department of Physical Education October 6, 19396 I just learned that you made a touchdow against. Argentine in the second team geome. Congratulations = Stay in there and keep fighting. You'll get the you job done in © most satisfactory mamer,. Train = fight «- and study, Cherlied Very sincerely yours, Brector of Physical Eduseation end Recreation, POAsAH Varsity Basketbell Coach, ETTA M. MOUNT - 6336 SHERIDAN ROAD _- _ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS October 9, 1939 My dear Mrs. Hulteen: I have received the booklet of playground activities, and wish to thank you for sending this to mee I shall be very glad to recommend this to the students aay game courses Remember me most kindly to Miss Stapletone Very truly, EYE Vaz Foe Mrs. Alberta Hulteen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas October 19, 1939¢ 25 Parkview Avenue, Bronxville, New York. Deer \lizabeths : . This is a belated answer te your good letter of August 15th written at Boulder, but I am sure you can understand es of emrolinent. ie Miasitiaih de pemilik wacinte, 00h erwin busye Wie have 114 majors thie fall, 20 of them seniors. This evening the Sasmak Club is mmving @ dinner neeting with Strong _ Hinman as the principel speaker. Ne will talk on “What an Ad« ministretor Expects of a Physical Education Teacher". ie Another gala event that we are planning on is the > Folk Dence Festivel on October 28 at which time Dr. Anne Schley Duggan end her group will be here for three sessionse The enclosed Sasral Newsletters and other bulletins hi Wid ek tae ae He tds By the way, Evelyn Nerriman does the illustrations for these mimeographed sheets, which I think are very clever. She has developed trenendously in the past year. Yes, it was I who sent the mother over there to see you. Sven old mids miss their guesses sometimes! Miss Hoover has spoken — OS he SRE he SENS Lepr ernene Pvein tne bide. | Saturday morning we are having ow firet reoreation lis th Ok Goes ter ee dae oe ee eee, The response to our invitation te the faculty has been overwhelmings I trust thet things are fine with you and Dre lMac- Curdye Our best regards to both of yous Sincerely yours, sy ay Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coache | THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE CHANCELLOR October 23, 1939 Bre F. GC. Allon University of Kansas Dear Phog: I was glad to have your note of October 12 and the Sasnak Newsletters. Thanks so mich for sending them to me. Sincerely yours, Proleor Deane W. Malott, Chancellor October 25, 1935— Dear Monty + : = I was very glad for the oppartwmity to use the basketball fiin terday, but there is so mith deleted fran the original filn that it hardly looks es ead Sec Alaa. See, oo , fuith, Drive, Sen inquire img about the film, "Modern Basketbell Mmdanentals". I en a little reticent about recamending the film thet our students saw yesterday because so much of it has been deleted. Wimt possibility is there of getting a new film in the near future? Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF EXTENSION TEACHING BUREAU OF CLASS INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF CORRESPONDENCE STUDY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE BUREAU OF GENERAL INFORMATION BUREAU OF SCHOOL SERVICE AND RESEARCH LAWRENCE LECTURE COURSE BUREAU BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION October 31, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Robinson Gymnasium Campus Dear Dr. Allen: Thenk you for your letter concerning the film, MODERN BASKETBALL FUNDAMENTALS, We are ordering from the Eastman Kodak Company three complete scenes for the picture which will restore the film to its original status. We shall be glad to supply a print to Mrs. Florine Smith of San Antonio if she will suggest a satisfactory date. As soon as the replacement strips are received, we will notify you. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, UREAU OF VISUAL / Secretary FSM: RM November 10, 1959s Rochester, “ew York, or fron most any college or university Rxtension Divisions film, I thought you might be interested in this informations I em enclosing a diagram of the beskboard for shooting preotice. If this is not wet you desire, I would be gled to hear fran you againg — In thie comection, I might add thet my new text entitled “setter Basketball" is quite fully illustrated with diagrens, Pe es ae tae eee velueble in your teachings Doubtless your high school has this book. Many of the high echools have Se ae oe ee ee first team boys to read, but also the other boys in the school. , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WILDWOOD HIGH SCHOOL WILDWOOD NEW JERSEY M. C. MALLEY MARY E. NOAKER ATHLETIC DIRECTOR SECRETARY & TREASURER November 1, 1939. Dr. F.C. Alien Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Deer Dr. Allen: I saw a Basketball Motion Picture edited by you and distributed by Seal-O-San. I am interested in the methods used by you in teaching your team the different floor shots. I would consider it a great favor if you would send me a diagramed sketch of the back- board with dimensions of all blocks indicated. Very truly yours, ssa 44% iio aaa eye: hea ener Saar f a eh = Sets EE Ht ie " | aft He Hu i tt al uf 7 35° is re i 4. i Hate alt Lj 13 S48 : Hi 8 sf ee cen li i i | te vail? fh "e ite, “iba HE it nai Tih HP + ea #1 fant Ditnll | ce i M. C. MALLEY ATHLETIC DIRECTOR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION WILDWOOD HIGH SCHOOL WILDWOOD NEW JERSEY MARY E. NOAKER SECRETARY & TREASURER November 16, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I wish to express my sincere thanks for your kindness in sending the information as I requested. I have written the Eastman Kodak Company re- questing a date for your picture. I have also ordered your book "Better Basketball" through the Publisher. Very truly yours, foe CHOY Mike 0. Malley November 22, 19596 Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAs AH Varsity Sasketball Coache MUSEBECK SHOE Danville, Illinois, November 10, 1939 4 { j Dre Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allens We are sending you, under separate cover, a set of our lecture charts which show the effects of posture in relation to shoes and base planese These are being sent to you at the request of Mre Te Le Thaxton of the Foot Comfort Shop in Kansas City, Missourie If you would like to have additional sets of these lecture charts, or any other literature regarding Health Spot Shoes, we should be glad to supply ite Yours very truly, MUSEBECK SHOE COMPANY SALES DEPARTMENT S:CNS Novenber 27, 1939. Mire Ce Se Holl, Department of Physical Education, Kansas Stete College, Nenhbattian, Kansase Dear “Coony"s 4s far es I am comeerned, the dates are sete of wo will have to wit wuitil the directors necting, seo if the schedules are accepted. If you should happen to be in Lewrence don"t fail to call om mes : Yours sincerely, dames le Raport, : instrustor in Physical Education, Varsity Swimaing Coach. December 20, 1939, . “Miss Elizabeth Meguiar, Adviser of Women, University of Kansase Dear "Teacher" s Por days I have been intending te write you to offer my apologies for the fact that I did not appear in formal attire at the beautiful Christmas dinner at Corbin Hall. | I had been out in Western “Nansas on a speaking engagement and got in just in time to meet my basketball team for practice. IT hurried directly from the floor to the dimer. This was the first occasion thet we had been asked to dimer and through some fault of my ow I did not inquire as to the formality of the dimers For that reason I beg to apologize for being the only member not conforming to the formality of the occasions I apologize, and hereafter i promise to bring the teacher a big red apple if I fail in so important a detail. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Sasketball Coaches December 21, 1939. Mite Te He Maddock, Eastman Kodak Co., 343 State Street, Rochester, New Yorke Dear ire Maddocks , It was very thoughtful of you to send me the lovely Christmas greeting. It is a very useful little gimt. Thenk you so muchs With best wishes for the Yuletide season, I Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH | Varsity Basketball Coaches ee : app if agaihs 2534%¢ j ts : ie eat He itl Hey iy if aa HY 8" 7 Te 82g Uae op H i tt “43 iyi f di a Hl ils i + titi ih Ht if 3 i qi tts) : m1 if : Hh Bad 5 : s63 cit ela te Sth (H ; 2 HE i vt + i ee ree ott daa dfs Ali Ht Hull HARE TH bit ila 5 Wi : i il 7 i amy | ue 8 ae ; mage | a a i Eo H ‘a i ii i, Ai i