LOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA DEPARTMENT oo. EDUCATION Janu ary 10 ; 19 39 Drs Fs C. Alien Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: We have had a great deal of difficulty in getting the other official for your game at Lincoln, Saturday night, January 14. After contacting Peters, O'Sullivan and Carroll, who were all on your preferred list, all of whom were busy on this night, we have secured John Lance. I sincerely hope he is satisfactory with you. The other official for the game is Grable Duvall. For your game on January 20 with Kansas State at Manhattan we have contacted Lance, Peters, Carroll and O'Sullivan none of whom could work. We will try to get the best available man for you, trying to follow your preferences as closely as possible and will advise you when this official is settled, For the Iowa State game on January 23 we are attempting to get Parke Carroll. I trust that all this meets with your approval. Sincerely, ee. G. F. Veenker, Secretary GFV: JH Big Six Directors pil Pt 1 a ee Re i i ars a sens Salas — fe - doi = ai eg : 3 ae ( *. ciseoneeonaa Whee net get, a. eis ae P 3 vo AN, . : fl F int a ¥ “ Hie Heesticaae oo ae ake ait 3 eat $ bie i. 5 ornne # Pa Neca a off ee ; ‘ lh 2 ea ot ; a : c f 2 e sie ’ ye ' ‘ d - # e : ni Wie eas y - x e y : yo at oat Be ei J Ze acres t. ei hs hey weet ‘ : >