g “4 . é Bg 4 Le.» tH nue f ts gigas he yh aie dysqt faldalts dig gazgaed uy deaeeatt Ht i: ae pits vagal pil fgets ig aot geet | ay ae aU ie i : ie , ns a al i ie alas fi gph : aE HI i th fi : lan uj SH s ait ae al Healt i iain: ey , # ah y a ples, but it is a good one — "It pays to I do not think that a fellow should be overdressed He should not be conscious of his clothes being of too fine = texture or of a texture that would cause embarrass- barbers have a slogan that I think is stimulating ment to his pride. the princi look well". or underdressed. «ERS e 3 er ee ak yp Aee | a Bp GE det aaah eliseted af ais ily Pat nih al Bs mige ite apteedeas a ere daggek Hint: get es Ha: 2 gteaet sas beast Why i lin (a ieuetitned tp ite Ha tata) Wghs Upleie fe , ENGR nse) i iv p eieea Gee eid atlat i sleatiiae if Lisa, ws, petal gdlacay aap aH ide L Se Hag i B23 42 BE aes Bynes g55 gs: il pd - u Be at Hii ate ay 23 ‘ ‘2 3 ‘ | FAabagaG 7 ah HHH Hi tila ee 1B oie think you are spending entirely too much time on your athletics. would meke my athletics incidental to my studies, and I would not have them dominate me completely because the time is too soon over and your preparation for more serious things should be the ne You played a marvelous second half the other nights You did not hit your long shots, but I was glad to see you shoot. You ranged over the floor like a catapault and you shot like a ‘th continued good wishes for your success both on and off the athletic field, and after you graduation, I an , Very sincevely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FCA 2All Varsity vesketball Coaches a j 3h 7 ais] . taal Hu! i } ta Hi oc a cl a Hd Me i i ube Bee Hi ‘ meg i a iy : (faa (ieee ie Hi dink ail iia igh bei ples, i sh ehh Hie Hy ih i ih in wap al pies aie: sil af $ ut ing ey sit} 2 ‘. i | a i a ue | E si We 1 aa a inp isi ie id Hi i Fl ie ‘i te it aie ae HA He in ‘te ih it ij ait | Aa | sidase ; February 16, 1940. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAs.AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ! . it i ie A ae te Me sis Mire Oswald Tower, Andover, Masse —_— totter angle Dear Os: FCAsAH tees PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES ~ GRANT BUILDING i ee PITTSBURGH, PA. February 14, 1940 Dre Fe. C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith, please find copies of letters just addressed to Mr. Oswald Tower and to the Medart Company of St. Louis, Missouri, which I believe you will find more or less self-explanatory. We would very greatly appreciate your advice and suggestion as to how best we might present the transparent Herculite glass back- board for the consideration of the National Basketball Committee at your forthcoming meeting in Kansas City in March. Obviously, we do not intend to enter the field of supplying athletic materials, and our object would be to supply the glass to persons otherwise equipped to supply basketball material. Any suggestions that you may have to offer will be very creatfully received. Very truly yours, 7 Clecete A Technical Sales Engineer RAM : DW EnCe VISIT THE “Pebruary 14, 1940 owe 5 that Saadeh te neue Gualeiite te cane ein terheneh backboard dagel re —_— with the idea of increasing the spectators who may be located behind — ould be very elsa to have you send us . or bh int o | eneral design of your backboard in order “thet we nicht is turn subnit * ~~ a hong ong of the ae of | We shall ewait your very great interest. | Technical Sales Engineer RAV? Pebrueary 14, 1940 Deer Mr. Towert I believe I have not previously acknowledged your letter of December 5 on the general subject of transparent backboards, and wish te apologize for the delays. I am planni ; to de in Boston on Monday, February 26 and would very greatly appreciate the » portunity of coming to Andover and calling upon you at that time if entirely convenient for you. At the moment, it seems hardly probable that there will be any peasdhility of peacenting these tastieatis sefure Se Semees e0t! » of your Comittee in Eansas City on March 22 next, but some effort will be made to see whet oan be done in this connection. in the meanwhile, I would very greatly appreciate the opportunity of diseussing the subject with you in person. Since I plan to leave Pittsburgh by the evening of Monday, Pebruary 19, I shall very creatly appreciate your advising me os promptly as possible as to whether or not I shall be able to see you at the time indicated on February 26. ¢ Mre Charlie Moore, Jre, 5714 Reeds Road, Kansas City, Kansase Deas Charlies This summer I talked to Coach Reade, of Shawnee Mission, urban car some blood had been smeared on the cover of the book and he desired a new cover. I told him that I had a fow extra ones feil Now, the next thing is in regard to your body. You have @ wonderful altitude and you have a good framework, but you need a little more meat on those bonese I am hoping thet some day you will attend the tniversity of Kansas and play on my varsity and that I will have an opportunity to coach youe I Imow you can make “= get before breakfast and before going to bed at night. A lemon mixed in with the orange uice with a little sugar added is a help-~ ful thing because the mineral salts from the lemon are much stronger than from the orangee Citrus fruits, which are lemons, oranges and grapefruit, put your blood in ——- conditions c ‘ss SdGs Ohne Sak Ea Paes = a tae dG ty cos te Do not eat between meals because generally what you eat then is candy, and these sweets are carhohydrates which are and then when neal tine comes along instead of eating the proteins, the tissue-builders, you have filled up on energy producers; there= fore you have no muscle builders Meat, eggs, milk and peas are all high in protein. It is all right to eat the sweets that you went to eat at the end of the meal. If you want candy or plenty of sugar, that is fine, but do not take those things between meals. Chocolate is fine to eat but it is constipating, so you must balance that with alot of fruite Instead of eating or drinking a shocolate malted milk, eat an apple or an orangee Sut don"t eat anything between meals if you can keep from ite If you get humgry chew same gum or drink a ata code mea: ke nd pe-ralacamdae ncnigny trolls pabloger yd daye You can do thet by drinking a glass every hour if that is easier. Now for your sleep. A growing boy should have nine hours of sleep, or at least eight, and above all, be regular in your habits, in your eating, sleeping and other health-giving habits. Take a lot Soe ee ae a ee ee Exereise draws the blood away from the a culdin teccumiun cod cats £4 tx ts weciinn and it is bad for your digestion to exereise when you have just eaten a full meal. secs’ iegitins Atais eee nd coe When you do ail Saati, faee Wt qaldell iibahend We Wen Gk bid Sains ie pibainiie tm tte Wedbea Bextee Don’t think just because you played at iiickory School and Shaymee Ifission that you can't be the finest basketball player in the world. Other boys have been, and you ean be if you will pay the price. Constantly read that book on individual offense, individual defense, team offense and team defense. Lie in your bed and dream of being a fine student and a great athlete. The other successes will come to you as you growe I sm for you, Charles, and I hope that you have a world of fum in your life and that you are @s successful a man as your father and mother desire you to be. I imow how they feel because I know how I feel toward lfilton and Bobs “ith all good wishes to you and your good family, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coache A November 23, 1959. [ec tcba oe cn cat coe aus ee SAAN un eiceyeng Semen’ good name wherever you my gd. With all good wishes to you and your family, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduontion and ne FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDR Dre Fe Ce "Phog" Allen, Lawrence, Ks. P~-Z059 6 ., Dear "Judge": Just e card tole ie ay ae I have taken = tablets which you geve me end firfished the--qourse some ' time ago. However, I have not attempted: fate: by. eating: any grease or eggs or chocolate. Would you advise mother X-Rey? Am.feeling fine. Our family 211 well. Mary and Kemp have driven out to look et Dr Esterly grove end some other lend this PM. I have just finished on inquest on a murdere’ Col man shot last night by snother col men with a shot guns Louis writes that he is busy. David commissioned First Liééttat Bolles Military end Battalion Com todey. I hope our sons do not get called into this awful mess. Had blood pressure tested yesterday and it is normal. Other tests not finished. Give Bess our lovee Love from us all. Yours, "Judge" (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ) Dr. Fe Ce "Pheg" "Judge" Allen Lawrence, Kans. 7 Friday 8/18. ‘Dear "Judge" . Guilty ef taking my time getting home but arrived safely Tuesday night via St. Louis, Menphis, Jacksen, Miss. Gulfpert, Mebile, Tallahassee, and home. We stepped at Pleasant Hill, Me on eur way fer a day and Leuis had secured « pesition there se he will be back in yc yeur neighberheod next year. Will repert there the 28th ef August. We went back to KC that night and left Friday merming for St. Leuis. We enceuntered twe heavy rains entering St. Leuis and leaving the next meming. They were as heavy as I have ever seen eam down heree- Visibility s poor, had to draw up en shoulder end wait for the werst te get over. Fine trip and se cool. We all send leve. xt -. 9 Leue ” P Cz % Sess October 9, 1959. i Hey Fis il ad ea i i teal if lil i aa 2 ae i i ia agi is ae 24 Hig i yt he i it it 1; rE aptiit & i 3 a HT ‘ ly i H FCA sAH TOM I. NALL STATE ARCHITECT STATE OF KANSAS SSNs \ a » Bf ‘ SEB) OFFICE OF STATE ARCHITECT wr” y of X vy TOPEKA, KANSAS October 17, 1938 " > y Profe Fe Ae Russell University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mre Russell: I have been looking into the matter of adding the additional space between the trusses of the Robinson Gymnasium and it does not appear that this is possible for a number of reasonSe If the floor joists were run between the trusses the bottom cord does not have sufficient strength to take the load in bending, and if we put beams between the trusses the panel points and carry the joists between the beams we would become involved in complicated connections which I be- lieve would exceed the value of the installatione From the standpoint of a stress diagram on “assumed loadings it would not appear to be advis- able to add the additional load even if we could a overcome the ‘difficulties. ‘mentioned in regard | to framing the floor between the trussese _ Cordially yours, Ctinces ©. W)ansuae Nsaindienioiasapiene Charles Le Marshall Assistant State Architect CLM: JM UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DIVISION. OF MILITARY SCIBNCS AUD TACTICS LAWRENCE, KANSAS September 1, 1939. History of iilitery Training, University of Kancus, for period September 1, 1938 - August ol, 193°. Comanding General, Seventh Corps Area, Giaha, Nebraska. 1. The following antwuel supplement to the History of Military Training at the University of Fansas, is submitted pursuant to Par. 27, Gece I, R.O.U.C. Bulletin No. 1, Seventh Corps sree, dated Jenuary 1, 1934. ae Enrollment: Covered by rowbine reports during the year. Beginning of lst semester: $70 End of 2nd semester: dlc Courses completed: June 3, 1959. = F) Course Coast Artillery Infantry yoer Basic d1 47 yeer Basic 54 41 t year Advenced 25 year /dvanced 14 Ta. Increase over last year: Coast Artillcry -« Infoentry Ge eseurve Comaissions: missions or certificates of cligi- bility were swerced as follows: Coast Artillery Infantry CiiS Total Commissions at ie 2 31 certificates i Z O 3 Grand Total 34 5 Regular Army Personnel: (On duty August 31, 1939) Colonel Kerl F. Baldwin, C.A.C., PeB&Te Mejor Raymond F. Edward, Inf. Major Carroll G. Riggs, C.A.C. Major Carleton Smith, Inf. Yeche Sete William Kollender, DEML., (Rove St. Set. Harry BE. Roy, DEML., (Ro?c) ‘ ee Inspections and Visits: The B.O.T.C. Units wore ins,;ected om April 27-28, 1939, incolu- sive, by Coloncl Raymond W. Briggs, F. A. , R.O.T.C. Officer, 7th Corps Area, Lte Colonel E.C. Mead, C.A.C., end Major W.i. Donaldson, Jr. (CAC) G.S.C. The Coast Artillery and Infantry Units were rated "oxcollent". On ilay 8-9, 1939 the demonstration detachment of the Glst CA (AA) gave an afternoon and ovening demons retion for all members of tho R.O.T.C. and citizens of this city and county at Haskell Institute which was witnessed by over 40,000 people, who crowded the stadium and roads leading to samce This was the largest crowd on record to witness & military event in this city and ercetcd imsense interest. Prior to the evening domon- strotion the Chamber of Commerce of the city and the k.0.7T.C. untortained the personnol of the Clst CA, at a barbccue at which over 1100 citizons, soldicrs, national guordsmon, reserve officers and R,O.T.C. members pertici-~ pated. National guardsmen and reserve officors residing within a fifty milo radius of this city witnessed the demonstrations in the efternoon and evening. The cost of the barbceue was shared by members of the Chamber of Commoreo end &.0.7.C. Splendid cooperation was roccived from the officials in charge of Haskell Institute who turned over all their fecilities for use of the 6lst CA, who wero encamped on the instituto's eroundse It is believod that this domonstration staged by the 6lst Ch greatly increased interest jn the military scrvice of citizcons residing in the vicinity aad without question added to the training cf the P.0.7.C. at this institution. The officers and mon of the 61st CA were most cooperative and a credit to the militery service. Their deportment and willingness to explain the various equipment to ell caused much favorablo coment end was greatly appreciated. f. Competitions, Awards and Social Activitics: The and Women's Rifle Tooms completed a successful year. The R.O.T.C. Rifle Toew tis year has showm groet improvement over preceeding ycors. Tho dances in the fall and spring of the yeer are very popular with mombors of the R.O.T.¢. and representative members of the faculty aud comnunity. The berbesues staged in the spring and fail offord wembers of the R.O.7T.C. ond lesders of the faculty ond community opportunity to mcet and gct acquainted, and cnhene Sa the pocition of the R.O.T.C. in university and comunity activities. &e Relations with University Authoriticss: Excellent. he. Training Camps: (1) Coast Artillery Unit: Ft. Shcriden, Illinois, Juno 17 = July 28, 195%. Students sotisfectorily completing camp - 20. ascents ita ha tas ah sales hi (2) Infentry Unit; Ft. Leaverworth, Kensss, Juno ll = July 2, 1959. Students satisfactorily completing camp - 22. ($8) The following Reguler Army Personnel attended comps during the years Mejor Reymond F. Edwards, Inf., Netional Rifle Matches Camp Perry, Ohio, July 30 - Scptomber 15, 1939. Mejor Carrol G. Riggs, C.4.0., ROTC Comp, Ft. Sheridan, Illinois, Junc 15 = July 28, 1939. Major Carlcton Smith, Inf., ROTC Camp, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Juno § = July 22, 1959. St. Sgt. Horry Ee Py, DEML., (ROTC), ROTC Camp, Ft. Sheriden, Illinois, June 15 = July 26, 195% Ve 4. Wisecllancous. (1) Richard F. Ludeman who wes sppointed énd Lt. CAeRos., Juic 2, 1938 and who received one year active dut 3 training under the provision of the Thomason Act for the fiscal yoar 1939, took competitive cxcuination in June for appointment in regular army, sucecssfully passed same and was appointcd a 2nd Licutenant of Coast Artillery. (2) Williom F. Beety who wes appointca 2nd Lt. INF-Res., June 8, 1939 and solected as Honor Graducte R.O.T.C. for the school yoar 1938-39 was given appolitaent in the reguler army as 2nd Lieutenant of Cavalry. (3) The following graduates of the ROTC wers sclected as Honor Graduetos for the school year 1953-39; William F. Boaty, Infantry, ROTC Unit. Janes — coe. Coast artillery, ROTC Unit. a 2. Recommondations: None. Se Remarks: oo a Oe ee The pest three years there has been a greduel inercese in the ROTC enroll- mont at this institution and prescnt indications are that the enrollment for tue school ey 1939-40 will be the lergest in history. Increased interest has been oe ted in the ROTC and splendid cooverition is bcing received from mombers of the faculty of the University and a ef interested citizens of vy the community. jank ER Lda , “AL PF. BALD IN Selamat. CO eiwees PMS&T. Dist: CG 7CA=-2; ROTC OFF=-2; CofC/-1; Chan. of KUe1l; Desns of Schools-1 ;CofCA-1;3 Gof Inf-1; Sonate ROTC Coma-1; Sec Alumni Jssoc-l. September 16, 1939. several —— renin : m end board with er ‘to be lay and help your fine interest in cooperation, I am and assuring you of cur Very Varsity Yesketball Coach, “thks boy, HIGH SCHOGCL BOARD FACULTY W.L. OLSON, DIRECTOR gr P ea ee DWIGHT RU RAL H IGH SCHOOL GEO. A. GRAHAM, COMMERCE BOYDIE RICH, ENGLISH & Music EVERETT CLEMENS, CLERK — RT MARION THOMPSON, Home EConomIcs A JOEL N. MA IN, PRINCIPAL JOHN F. HANSON, SCIENCE & ATHLETICS DWIGHT, KANSAS Sept. 7, 1939. Dr. F. Cy. Allen Department of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you most sincerely for your letter which has made it possible for me to tell Harold Wright that he should go on down there and enroll for school. Harold was in my office this morning, telling me that he had also heard from you, and feeling very happy over the fact that it was now beginning to seem possi- ble for him to attend K. U. He told me that he had a couple other offers from other schools so that he could attend there if he didn't make the grade at K. U. but that he had entertained the ambition of attending Kansas University and playing basketball under "Phog Allen ewer since he was in the grade school and that he would certainly be disappointed if he didn't realize _this ambition. Psychologically, Harold is quite an "tntrovert" but he really displayed his satisfaction from your letter. I must apologize for the typographical error in my previous letter and for its being ambiguous in meaning. I had referrence to the Gibbens boy, and I didn't mean that you, personally, had given him any work. I meant that I understood, from quite reliable sources, that he had obtained considerable work in Lawrence because of his athletic abilities. Harold plans on coming down before time for registration to get lined out on his work. He will write you as to when he plans to come down and will come to your office as he also wishes to discu&s his enrollment with you. le is somewhat uncertain as to whether he wishes to take up engineering or to prepare himself for physical education and coaching. Thanking you again for your time and the work you've done for this boy, I am PeLsnt "Rurel Hieh School Dwight, Kansas. : sept. Y,ivev Dwight, Kanses Dr, Fy. €. Allen University of Kansas Lewrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your kind letter of September 5. I wish to thank you for all your kind help. If I ean work for my board and room and still keep my N.Y.A. job, I am sure I can make it . Keeping in mind all that you heve done for me , I'll do my best to make good in asketball. I will be down eitner Monday or Tuesday. I hope that my not knowing definitely will not incunvenience you too much. sincerely yours, hapld 6 UW Harold BE. Wright ire sebiaae ADVISORY BOARD STUDENT CABINET Rev.. Joseph F. King, Chairman Paul Moritz, President Prof. Harold G. Ingham, Treasurer Uni . Elijah Cole, Vice President : niversity of Kansas , © Dean Paul B. Lawson on f John Lintner, Secretary Prof. Bert A. Nash ’ oS i See Edward Wiles, Membership Prof. R. H. Wheeler Young Men S Christian Flssociation George Thomas, Finance Prof. Allen Crafton Room 5, Memorial Union Building David Angevine, Publicity Prof. J. J. Wheeler Earl Stuckenbruck, Lawrence, Kansas Reinterpretation of Religion Dean F. J. Moreau Prof. Jens P. Jensen Charles Yeomans, Creative Leisure Brent Campbell, Freshman Council Fred S. Montgomery : Theodore Paullin Executive Secretary Kermit Franks, Social Relations Clifford P. Osborne JOHN J. O. MOORE LeRoy Fugitt, Conferences George Docking Irving Kuraner, Social Action Sep tember 18, 1939 Gerald Banker, Current Action — Dr. F, CG. Allen Robinson Gymnasium University of Kensas Dear Dr. Allen: Just a note to thank you again for taking part in the Freshman Mixer yesterday. Your contribution gave me -a@ clue for much of our freshman emphasis. It seems to me that it should be fundamentally a matter of physical and mental health. I hope you will feel free to call on me if I can ever be of any service to you in any way. Thanks again. pOO JJOMscw - John J,.0. Moore Executive Secretary