P~-Z059 6 ., Dear "Judge": Just e card tole ie ay ae I have taken = tablets which you geve me end firfished the--qourse some ' time ago. However, I have not attempted: fate: by. eating: any grease or eggs or chocolate. Would you advise mother X-Rey? Am.feeling fine. Our family 211 well. Mary and Kemp have driven out to look et Dr Esterly grove end some other lend this PM. I have just finished on inquest on a murdere’ Col man shot last night by snother col men with a shot guns Louis writes that he is busy. David commissioned First Liééttat Bolles Military end Battalion Com todey. I hope our sons do not get called into this awful mess. Had blood pressure tested yesterday and it is normal. Other tests not finished. Give Bess our lovee Love from us all. Yours, "Judge"