7 Friday 8/18. ‘Dear "Judge" . Guilty ef taking my time getting home but arrived safely Tuesday night via St. Louis, Menphis, Jacksen, Miss. Gulfpert, Mebile, Tallahassee, and home. We stepped at Pleasant Hill, Me on eur way fer a day and Leuis had secured « pesition there se he will be back in yc yeur neighberheod next year. Will repert there the 28th ef August. We went back to KC that night and left Friday merming for St. Leuis. We enceuntered twe heavy rains entering St. Leuis and leaving the next meming. They were as heavy as I have ever seen eam down heree- Visibility s poor, had to draw up en shoulder end wait for the werst te get over. Fine trip and se cool. We all send leve. xt -. 9 Leue ” P Cz % Sess