ee Inspections and Visits: The B.O.T.C. Units wore ins,;ected om April 27-28, 1939, incolu- sive, by Coloncl Raymond W. Briggs, F. A. , R.O.T.C. Officer, 7th Corps Area, Lte Colonel E.C. Mead, C.A.C., end Major W.i. Donaldson, Jr. (CAC) G.S.C. The Coast Artillery and Infantry Units were rated "oxcollent". On ilay 8-9, 1939 the demonstration detachment of the Glst CA (AA) gave an afternoon and ovening demons retion for all members of tho R.O.T.C. and citizens of this city and county at Haskell Institute which was witnessed by over 40,000 people, who crowded the stadium and roads leading to samce This was the largest crowd on record to witness & military event in this city and ercetcd imsense interest. Prior to the evening domon- strotion the Chamber of Commerce of the city and the k.0.7T.C. untortained the personnol of the Clst CA, at a barbccue at which over 1100 citizons, soldicrs, national guordsmon, reserve officers and R,O.T.C. members pertici-~ pated. National guardsmen and reserve officors residing within a fifty milo radius of this city witnessed the demonstrations in the efternoon and evening. The cost of the barbceue was shared by members of the Chamber of Commoreo end &.0.7.C. Splendid cooperation was roccived from the officials in charge of Haskell Institute who turned over all their fecilities for use of the 6lst CA, who wero encamped on the instituto's eroundse It is believod that this domonstration staged by the 6lst Ch greatly increased interest jn the military scrvice of citizcons residing in the vicinity aad without question added to the training cf the P.0.7.C. at this institution. The officers and mon of the 61st CA were most cooperative and a credit to the militery service. Their deportment and willingness to explain the various equipment to ell caused much favorablo coment end was greatly appreciated. f. Competitions, Awards and Social Activitics: The and Women's Rifle Tooms completed a successful year. The R.O.T.C. Rifle Toew tis year has showm groet improvement over preceeding ycors. Tho dances in the fall and spring of the yeer are very popular with mombors of the R.O.T.ยข. and representative members of the faculty aud comnunity. The berbesues staged in the spring and fail offord wembers of the R.O.7T.C. ond lesders of the faculty ond community opportunity to mcet and gct acquainted, and cnhene Sa the pocition of the R.O.T.C. in university and comunity activities. &e Relations with University Authoriticss: Excellent. he. Training Camps: (1) Coast Artillery Unit: Ft. Shcriden, Illinois, Juno 17 = July 28, 195%. Students sotisfectorily completing camp - 20. ascents ita ha tas ah sales hi