(2) Infentry Unit; Ft. Leaverworth, Kensss, Juno ll = July 2, 1959. Students satisfactorily completing camp - 22. ($8) The following Reguler Army Personnel attended comps during the years Mejor Reymond F. Edwards, Inf., Netional Rifle Matches Camp Perry, Ohio, July 30 - Scptomber 15, 1939. Mejor Carrol G. Riggs, C.4.0., ROTC Comp, Ft. Sheridan, Illinois, Junc 15 = July 28, 1939. Major Carlcton Smith, Inf., ROTC Camp, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Juno § = July 22, 1959. St. Sgt. Horry Ee Py, DEML., (ROTC), ROTC Camp, Ft. Sheriden, Illinois, June 15 = July 26, 195% Ve 4. Wisecllancous. (1) Richard F. Ludeman who wes sppointed énd Lt. CAeRos., Juic 2, 1938 and who received one year active dut 3 training under the provision of the Thomason Act for the fiscal yoar 1939, took competitive cxcuination in June for appointment in regular army, sucecssfully passed same and was appointcd a 2nd Licutenant of Coast Artillery. (2) Williom F. Beety who wes appointca 2nd Lt. INF-Res., June 8, 1939 and solected as Honor Graducte R.O.T.C. for the school yoar 1938-39 was given appolitaent in the reguler army as 2nd Lieutenant of Cavalry. (3) The following graduates of the ROTC wers sclected as Honor Graduetos for the school year 1953-39; William F. Boaty, Infantry, ROTC Unit. Janes — coe. Coast artillery, ROTC Unit. a 2. Recommondations: None. Se Remarks: oo a Oe ee The pest three years there has been a greduel inercese in the ROTC enroll- mont at this institution and prescnt indications are that the enrollment for tue school ey 1939-40 will be the lergest in history. Increased interest has been oe ted in the ROTC and splendid cooverition is bcing received from mombers of the faculty of the University and a ef interested citizens of vy the community. jank ER Lda , “AL PF. BALD IN Selamat. CO eiwees PMS&T. Dist: CG 7CA=-2; ROTC OFF=-2; CofC/-1; Chan. of KUe1l; Desns of Schools-1 ;CofCA-1;3 Gof Inf-1; Sonate ROTC Coma-1; Sec Alumni Jssoc-l.