be a z f. & e ie a by" quarantine or the en “any mistake or inaccuracy in ar quarantine laws or regulations. ; _deliv ering carrier, Gla ().-The cairienonpuctys in possess 1 ibe aeat ppt fh for any loss ie (b) No cartier or party: in possession of possession liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto or ¢ the authori ty of law, or the act or default of the : carrier tes ene ..«ing.after, the expitation. » puted as therein tana after no’ ae : uly sent o rt (if intended for export) ha deliv been made. Exceptine ery at destination, or sci ler aan of the fal < in on the carriet or party in possession shall not be liable for loss, damage, or dé request of the shipper, owr Hesultingtfom adefectorvicein the property or fort _{c) In case ef quarantine the property may be quarantine depot or elsewhere, as required. by quarant nearest available point shall cease when property i issod aod or propert to shipping point, earning ug Feige beth both wa may freedom from suc ine 1 held in transit upon the Hanatch ats Of in respect to propert ie carrie carrier's carrier shall not be fable for loss or aes required or done by quarantine regulat ge ora by carrier's officers, agents, or employees may incur,ordamagesthe ¢y may be Ai ae povamermnaeel ed ee Duntry ‘damai oo oo haat Liscineged-oe fut tine mh eeepc ee or ‘forthe carrier’ 8 ent, and in any such case carrier’s responsibility ty may be returned by carrier at owner’s expense s. Quaranti othe ow! awd eh ne ae d shall be. e th are cn ar srovidhe i all be oY of ath ppet oer oe or iar ink hc baa se! for loss, damage, or onde caused by fire occurr- tk lav eiees ss eb empeerste | ee ae given, and after placement of the property for property to the party entitled to receive it, has ror party in possession (and the burden to prove ys or party im lay occurring whilethe property is stopped and er, or party, entitled to make such request me = rstri oe ne expenses of whatever nature or kind upon hers of the property or be a lien thereon. ‘The ioned by fumigation or Secu ee other acts uthofities even though the same may hay en done ft detention, loss,.or damage of any ki erect forcement renee ‘No carrier shall be lial , except in {any kind ligence, for information farhished by the carrier, its agents, or officers, as to he shipper: ‘shall hold the carriersshatmless from any expense they topay,D ntroduction of the property cov reason of thei! éred i this contractintoany place against the quarantine, laws or regulations i in effectat such place. . (a) No carrier is bound to transport said prones Hy ih time oat r any particular market or otherwise than with feasonable dispatch. ave the right in case of physical necessity to forward said property by any carrer af oute the point of destination. In all as been represented in writing 2 : he | ue of the property as a sricing heck “the rate is based, such lower value plus freight’ Sues if ae shall bet! the tr thaximum amount to be , whether or not such loss or damage occurs fromuntellen sig gig. fe precedent to recovery, claims mus cartier issuing this bill of lading, o: "the pointof ship: value than actu atvaloe a __Writing a8 the released va recovere ) AB a con injury or delay occurred, traffic, _against ahy carrier only ¥ specified in the notice. with the { (c) As ‘tHe full benefit of any inst so far as this shall not avo then within nine Jnonths te (oe within nine rE after delivery at port of jo ori er a reasonable time for deli velar and suitsshall be instituted ithin two years and one day fro é voices notice in writing is given by the carrier to the Claimant that the carrier has dis: ealpwed the cla ereok ere claims are not filed or suits are not i se Preciak provisions, no carrier hereunder shall be Habl@ndivieh cf claime wil ¢y carrier or party liable on account of loss of or damage’ te any of said pro irance that may have been effected upon cr on account o id the policies or contracts of insurance y by. any particula ai or vessel, or carrier shall tor has na eed at ification or tariffs upon wh’ he receiving or ‘tarri ‘On wee ine the loss, damage, within nine months after delivery of the 5 oer (or, in ¢ase of export eappeit fi - ure to make delivery, m or any tituted t eet in accordance not be paid. property, we > carrier reim- CONTRACT Tapas sbosuste ic Go between => dt palraed by law, pines alower — Fy shallhave : Sm 7 &3 ‘ ar Me ge ba: ake! 32 ag in said parkkiaphis shallbe ee to abridge the aaht of the carrier’ agreed that nothing contain “ snannet wy be ayiotiee atits option to sell the preperty under such circumste by law. ne ae ee oo The proceeds of any Chic mike Gee ction ih ibe aoe) fied y the carherto y- ee thent of freight, demurrage, storage; and any other lawful ch the expense of notice, oir age een sale, and other.necessary expe nge and of id shee b an Saierite the property, if proper of the e's re pir cial expense, @ yen. show Id be abalance: it shail be « Paadyto HEgar: » “0” othe Property aired toor taken from 2 station, wharf, or landing at which then eis no regularly appointed freight agentshall be entirely at risk ofov er after uae ded ftom cars or vessels or until loaded into cars or vessels, and, except in ease of carrier’s negligence; when received from or delivered “tosuch stations, wharves, orlandings shalt be-atowner’srisk until the cars are attached to and after™~——~ a are detached from locomotive or train or until loaded i ae a fade, cre from vessels. : ‘ - No carrier ads willcarry or be ables ot ap py : nets: specie, or for any atic esos extraordinary value not specifically rated "in eae ished classifications, or af oe cleaphe Re 5 astipulated value of the articles are indorsed -he yee jaoG ree. 8: 6, bg party, ts principal or agent, shipping explosives or dangerous goods, with out previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shail be liable for and indemnify the carrier against all loss or damage caused by such goods, and such goods may be warehoused at, oA owner's tisk and expense or destroyed without compensation Be Sec. 7. The owneror consignee shail pay the ireight and average, if any, and all onber tedol charges accruing on emageopert; but, ¢ ,except in oer a where it = lawfully be authorized to do so, road shall deliver or relinquis papers 3 at destinati the a - covered byt this Teen untilall tariff rates and-charges thereon have been pa 3 been pail The connor ino ot shall be a for the freight and allother lawful charges, except that if the consignor i = | signature; in the space provided for that purpose ort the face of thisbilloflading data he car st i not make delivery without requiring paymentof such charges and the catrier, contrary to sich stipe ulation, shall make delivery without requiring such payment; the consignor -(except-as ~~ rovided) shallnot be liable for $uch charges. Provided, that, where thecarsierhas been instructed i f the shipper or consignor to deliver said property to a consigneé other than the ship signor, such Gonsigneé shall not be legaily liable for transportation charges in _ of the transportation _ of said property (beyorid those bill ed against tro aalan for which he is otherwise"? ~~ Hable) which may be found to Bedue after the property has bee aie renee the consignee (a): ~~ ~~ is an agent only and has no beveficial title in said property, an (bY prio: be! éliv property || has notified the delivering carrier in writing ofthe fact of such tomer a sit cal title, aiid, i in the case of a shipmentrecorsigned ordiverted toa ca nthe ori "bill of lading, kas also notified the delivering carrier in writing of ee of _ e bene- ficial owner = said property; and, in such cases the sree Tor cong ora ‘the c @ehipment j 80 reconsi ed or diverted, the beneficial owner, stall be liable a hates If the ‘consig os given to the carrier erroneous information Senraen aris ‘signee shall himself be liable for such additional charges. Se a ‘ carriet to require at time of shipment the prepayment or guarantee’ in ce ‘it is abcertained that the as shipped are not those described i in | charges must ‘he paid upon the arti¢les actually shipped. Sec. 8. If this bill of lading is issued on the order of the shippe eh, on finage substitution for another billof lading, the shipper’s signature to het ey ee, | ment Of value or otherwise, or election of common law or bill of lad: a fa rita no ° "with stich prior bill of lading, shall be considered « part of this s bil | Were written of made in or in connection with this bill of ladi €s Paras’ veils a serice oe sugnaiii jerit ene rel t of the ill lof of adhe the fegkt ef in excharige orin ing Hieet i state- ae re "shall be at o cotton or risk, of col burse the claimant for th Be. Except whe: premium paid thereon. such service is isla 8d das the result of carrier’s , all prope cotton linters is chanonaili signed to noted herei of the sam te kind and grad ) and if ubject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner’s cost. 1 deviation o7.u a point where there is a railroad, sora ot licensed soa bin, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be to be transported hereunder shall have th Privilege, at i mpressing the same for greater reine in pena r forwarding, aa for ee - Grain in bulk prema ae otherwise expressly deliver: unavoidable le without Fespect to Senki (and prompt wad ed shall be subject to alien her cha Sec. 4 by tariffs, rival of oO sént or giv ert in ve r storagi ges hereunder. | (a) Property tatally on file the ssel, car, depot, e and to carrier not peroaved by the party entitledts) hogs setae (such free time to be computed as eee eto property ¥ destination or at the port en, and after placement of the property for deli Shae oie = dea ay ‘subject t warehouse or place of delivery may~b ber available { and subjec ‘ roved to and s' t toa lien for al . piace, at the cost of the owner, and ee OTea i 8 ee as yon freight and othet lawful c ere poipernhy 2 ‘ac it failsto béeive i it within he-Same at : Provided, ¢ RT RINT § P ce aL such newspape 7 has Dec Tr tivo successive wi tién of not! sent, 4 iven. by consignee or party entitled to receive it, or said consignee to receive it promptly, the carrier may, in its discretion, to pr ation. sell the same to the best advantage at tee oP tic . for notification to the consignor or owner of the refu' silamrebart an 6 and request for disposition of the property, such en shall be ive Fr exercise of due diligence requires. b (d) Where the provedune Brawide ubli¢ auction to the highest bi y bedesigna tthe carrier shall have first mailed, Centr aver theese ses subjectto ible property. which has been ee otic | oad d-to receive it; days after notice of arrival sp ey sale ie Proet rthe terms of the bill of lading if Bisotition | be not arranged Re and shall h notice containing a descrij s bee order notify, the ption of the property, the name of the party to whom. co beks; in-a newspaper of ge nerai circutation rar the place of ris published: : Aepelded, d, dy That daysshall have claped ce of sale after si able pe notice that th y.was refused or remains unclai -which has Sse trans 5 ed, That fore the perty is ab ton in is sold.. eure paragraphs last preceding is not a the he obras a name of the party to be notified, and ibe time and ee ° dat: carrier ovef T ehane 1 route own cost and Il not be held -con= ith other grain 4 time allowed a ie: potice of the been duly ~~ ie may the tariff charge the carrier, livery or other warehouse. a n the part of the ¢arrier cid oe oon charge for storage. hereunder is mated by the rnotice that ave published Fisned, or, if ee once a é OF earest re publica- d was mailed, d heredinder th saa is refirsed- pa etitled to teceive it shall fail te tion-or further deteri if time serves hé-failure-to receive it- ! such manner as the t possible, i it is jbl. | ‘ditions contai shall be given charges in addition to all — sdtoreceive ~~ to the sent or givén, the carrier of the United § § “(6) No suc pening to or or | caused = the < - (c): If the seaworthy aid _or damage resulting from the pi ‘machinery, or Sec. 9. (a) Hf ailor any Hert of said i perty i een je appurtenances W or other accid ‘Hsion, trandir for any reason” atliberty toca tis Necessary, Nat any portor pt tran dj Genera 1 to 15, inclusi make the vessel agreed that in ¢ ip, or lighter, to load ar ‘for the purpose of saving life or ~ | suche chtrier thal! Tlot be respons: |to carry the same upon deck. AWS arid usages Of the Pe Average shail be e, and Sections tates according carriers by water the protection of Hmitéd | ed in this bill of lading not inconsistent therewith ot on. K carrier by Water shall be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any 4 re hap=- board the vessel, or from explosion, bursting. of boilers or gee = a lesign or neglect of such carrier. owner shall have exercised due ili properly manned, equipped, and supplied, no such carrier ale tale or om latent defects in va lability, and to with this yc’ in’ making ‘the engl al erils of the lakes, seas, or other Wat oN or hether existing prior to, at the ‘time | of, x er sailing; ents of navigation, or fi from proloriga sro the vane Ae any vessel carrying any or alrot che pronerty he orts, in or outofthecustomary val bowed, to to oo d discharge goods at any tip a ssi t Yes rae Piste property, and for docking 4n eth castor °. sible for any’ loss or damage oe ‘be: necessary of payable according to the York- mee? Riles of i 17 to 22, inclusive, and as to matters not ¢overed there stot New York if the owners shal thave exercised due in all respecte $ ase of danger, d nazemer ithe Paco bor wrsea “worthiness, whet hipm the voyage (provided the latent or other defects or ‘the: unseawo ofthine by the exercise of due diligencé), the shippers, consignees and/or ¢ pee pay salvage and any special charges incurred in réspectot t t of the vessel, or from any latent or ot jeaworthy and properly manned) €qhipped a it is amage or disaster resultin ng es from niet re rh Ree fects in t sel, her mac herexisting at cherie ors Hiiers Of thes caree j he cargo, and shat con ‘of, Peale ioe lleuch water carriage shall be performed subject to. s and’ provers emptions cut lability eae iit, the Act of the Congress of the United Stat ar on Feb= \ruacy 13, 1893,.and entitled “Ah act relating to the navigation ¢ ‘Of Vessels, été?” arid of other statutes, the con- pee m col- B hben shallbe paneer, deviate lta Ss usual Sections vy according diligence t hereby idn, or in inery or F At the beginning was not discdverable never- tribute with the shipowner in generat average tothe payment of any’ encriness , losses Gr Experises Of 4 Bericral igverags natureithat may be made or incurred for the common benefit or to relieve the adi enture m ahy commion peril. > x : parey cherets shatt be tiablefortoss from “perils of the sea; then as to such carrier or carriers Visions of this section shall be modified in actordancé with the’ tariff provisions, which sha garded as incorporated i into thé conditions of this billoflading (f) The term “water ¢artiage” in ‘this! séttion ‘shall! nat’ bes in or across rivers, harbors,or lakes, when performed by or on belialf of railcarriers.’ See. 10. Any alteration, addition, or erasure ithie bilbofladin the special notation hereon of the agent ofthe carri¢rissuing this bill and this bill of lading’ shall be enforeea ble accotding toits original tenor. e) Jf the property is being carried under a tariff which provides that any carrier or tarriers Br nthseatiadinie atrued ag including, fighterage which shall be made without lading, shall be without effect,