=e I might say that Miller has not played over 15 minutes in any of the ganes, with the exception ef one, so we are still just an ordinary ball clube I had heard by the grapevine that Henry Iba was planning on taking in your on March 20-22, but this of course is not authentic. I know A. J. Robertson very well. Far years he was the athletic director and coach at Hays Kansas State Teachers College. You ask about the strength of the Oklahoma Aggies. They expected to have a much better team than results show, but they have a corking good bunch of men; however, they do not seem to mesh as well as Hank had hoped. However, Henk is & great coach and I em sure that they will come along in good shape in any mjor tournament. But as I told you before, Warrensburg won the tournament down there and Ae & Me was entered in the Oklahoma City tournament. It is my opinion that Frosty Cox has a good ball club at Colorados Oklahoma drove out there in motor cars during the Christmas vacation, 750 miles from . Norman to Boulder, and lost the first game but won the second. Bruee Drake says that Frosty has a well-rounded ball club. Doubtless you lmow that Texas is lead- ing the Southwest Conference in the six NCAA distriets, and Frosty is leading the pack in the seventh district. | | Everett, T trust that this gives you the information that you want. By the : way might mention that John Glen, who was mamger of the Yortimestern basket: ball team in 1986 and also managed the all-star football play off in Soldier ; Field, made the statement hat Robertson has a great bunch of “sountry basket~ ball players", as he called them at Bradley. He saw Bradley beat the tar out of City College at Peoria and he said they heve real ball but I don't mow what he meant by comtry style. If I remember correctly they beat Nat 4 Thanks for your good wishes, Bverett. It will be & pleasure to see you at With All good wishes, I am Sincerely yours,