February 8, 1959. Mire Milton Meier, kan 3 ccs oes WN cde Xs sili biuelinc& SAMAlo same Ghia < Snack 2012 he meet tee your columms or your wastebasket, just as the situation oscurse — | You imow, all coaches are supposed to be nutty, so ze This is the yarns When we played the Kansas Aggies ‘at Manhattan on Jarmary 20, Drs Laurence Woodruff, ire Karl Klooz, Dre Ed Elbel, ltrs Cy. Ge Bayles, and Mr. Dick Wagstaff drove over — and used their official » such as members of the Athletic Board for Dr. Woodruff and Mr, Klooz, Dre Elbelescorekecper, Ce Ge of and grounds, and Dick Wage t 5 5 ge. : 4 tj fet ! an a He F : of the Athletic Board; Mre Bayles, cecechietiaiacs all Sak idinan wall _ Grounds at the University; Dr. “libel, of the Physical Education De- oe Now, here's : catch.