A September 15, 1938 litte George Willies, Chappell, Nebrasln.e Deay ihr, Miller: I find in ny letter of September 9th that I failed to send - You will notice that the Dream Touehdow story was a rum by our right half around left end, but in this case I used the left half around right end merely playing him in the right half tadle back positions The team lined up and shifted, the left end over .. to the right end, leaving a space of ten yeards between the right You will notice that in Formation X in this run that the form . ation of the back field is the same, This was run off the weak — dowm out, as this would be quite umecessarye Of course, the back field played with the defensive left tackle and the defensive right half, Our offensive right guard took out the safety down the field, and of course he was aided by our left end who had shifted over to right end. This shows the left half ruming wide is a little to the left of the center of the field and there is a wide opening to the right, or when conditions are reversed the other side is usede The play is best when the offensive team is yeards right right end, leaving a ten yard space in theres Then when the shift is made, after the end goos over, the right half goes up a yard and ea half outside, near the half. back of the offensive right ende The other half is a yard and a half back and in, and the fullback is tw and a half yards back of the space between our center and left guard, and the quarter or the passer and rumer is four and a half yards back of centers This four and a half yard space kdeps the defensive team wonder= ing whether it is a plimge, rum or a pass. After the ball is passed the ball steps back half a yard or a yard to make his five yard legal passing area satisfactory. As soon as the ball is snapped, As the fullback pivots on his right foot and drives to his right as