MISSISSIPPI SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI September 2, 1933 R. S. DOBYNS, Superintendent “ BILBO MONAGHAN, Athletic Director Ppeof. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Hducation Jniversity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sits This is aS. 0. S. from one basketball coach to another, from a deaf coach of a deaf basketball team that has been going Places but not quite getting there. The Mississippi School for the Deaf has an enrollment of about 176--little less than half are boys ranging in age from 6 to 21. It has a good basketball team, no bragging BUT twice it has been forced to take second honors in the National Basketball Tournaments of Schools for tle Deaf--two years ago at Jacksonville, Tllinois, and last year at New York City. Last year it also took the State Runners-Up to put our team out of the running. We will have almost the same team this year, so I am beg- ging your aid--I tins afford attendance at a coaching school. T have been advised that you are having an excellent book on has- ketball printed, but none of my informants could tell me exactly where I can get a copy. Will you please supply this information? Otherwise, if you are not having a book printed, can you please suggest a good book on basketball and also state from whom I can order it? Thanking you in advance for such service as you can give, I am Yours very sincerely;