CABLE ADDRESS MAYCO"” Y7/, HFODORE MAYER ae tton “Fabrics and lanes S Cnwerters and Importers 323 SOUTH FRANKLIN STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PHONE WEBSTER 7860 - | Octoher 25, 1938 University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Attn: Physical Education Dept. Gentlemen: We thank you very kindly for your order #966, calling for 100 dozen of our style #55 ribbed turkish towels, white, with red stripe woven through center. We note’ you show price of $2.50 per dozen on your voucher, but wish to advise that our price on ~ this towel, including the words, "Physical Educ.- U. of Kansas-1938" is $3.00 per dozen. May we, therefore, have your authority to proceed with this order at $3.00 per dozen? Will you also advise us as to just how you desire the words printed--that is, if we can abbreviate as follows: Phy. Educ. U K 19 38 or if you desire the words, “Physical Educ.-U. of Kansas - 1938." If you will be so kind as to advise us on the above matters at your earliest convenience, we will put your order into work for delivery as soon as possible. Thanking you for a reply, we are Yours very truly, THEODORE MAYER AND COMPANY JM/emn SMayco ea wb. tistaction