September 22, 1937. ir, H, H, #iller, Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Cony 15th and Baltimore, Kansas City, Ho, Dear Merion: . I would enesest thet you nave ieGrew-H321 and Compeny send you ea copy of thet part of the ,aenuseript regarding the "Dream Touchdown", | You see their editor there does “gone correcting, too. They will send us the galley copy real soon; in fact, some of it is coming in now, but the Tales are the last part. of the book, so that hes not arrived as yet. Wy sugcestion would be to write them, I would rather you not use thet first part, although the changes ere minimal. The . acGraw=Hiil people heave that — of course. Sincerely yours, PCA: AH Director of Physical Education.