Sct. De Ee Blair, i Hg» 1289th Engr. G. Bno, Cemp Maxey, Texase Dear Don: Congratulations on your promotion, Don. We are proud of the fine work that you are doing, end glad to have your new address for om Jayhawk Rebounds mailing list. A. manber of our boys are in Texas, and although Texas is a large state, you may rm into each other occasionally. Z have on my desk a letter from Schhelly, who is at Hondo, Texas, and he is still hoping that he can return to school in Septenber, 1945. We hope so, tod. . | Yes, I remember Tom Porter who was in some of ny ‘glasses last swaer. I hope he is getting along splendidly at Midshipman's School at Columbia. a We are starting some basketball for the boys next week. A wmumber of the lT