December 24, 1987 Fitts Kotranc, sporte toe Neg Yoines Register and Tribune, Des Moines, Iowa. Tear Dertbs ‘Piret of all, let mo thank you for the weniovful pobitesty that you gave se && veut sporty sheet which you enclose with your letter of December 25 | I em giving you the names of the mon to~ cpthen wits taut nha Gales Git UA. cael tak On et Brake Pleld house on December 29, We will wer the red suits. We heve sent them to the Irake people, ané i an passing these on aa. against Dralse Fred Praile, Sts aia) lide, senior, all iu Min the saw See dame; peel kes Geotens Gee oe 166 Sylvester Schnidt, Maryevillie, Kansae, senior, Moe Te George Goley, Warrensburg, Missouri, junior, HOse 10. : . .- “a iyuen Corlis, Topelm, Kansas, junior, e ee : : Lester Kappelman, Lawrence, Kansas, junior, Vos 5. oN “ : Fen Tnwami, Junction City, Zansas, jmior, 4 e Den Ebldug, ee oe) ae ie a ee . Florell, Topol, Tansas, guakorgrlip _ Richard Harp, Rosedale, Kanes City, Kansas, sophouore, Noe 134 | ve Hes Se Robert thast, LEWECISO y FQUGAS os sophoanore, ve Bruce Reid, Avlansas City, sophomore, Noe a Nelson Sullivan, Kensas City, Kansas, sophanore, Noe Ge ie 7” : tio de Kenneth Nelson, Marion, Kensas, sophomore, eo Se The teen will be handled in the dressing roo by Elwyn Dees, trainer, who was star varsity football player at ale Kansas ani national intercollegiate shot put obenpion as well 0# ee I wil bo bapry #o s00 you when wo arrive An Der Moines Wath every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, | .. Varsity Basketball Coach, PCA SAH Direetor of Physiert Bdusatione The Des Moines Register and Tribune Publishers of The Register, The Tribune, The Sunday Register Des Moines, Iowa More Than 300,000 Sunday Circulation December 23, 1957 Dr. F. G. Aiiex Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I wonder if you would have someone send me, aS soon as possible, a list giving the full names and uniform numbers of the men you are likely to use in your game against Drake. It is necessary for us to arrange slides to insert in the scoreboard. I will appreciate your prompt cooperation. Your biographical sketch arrived and we are announcing your appearance on the program to- day. I see you already have won eight games this year and it looks like you are in line for another batch of congratulations on your tean. Looking forward to seeing, I am is fd Janee bm/hb Bert Zp? KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. A. BRANDENBURG, A. M., LL.D., PRESIDENT PITTSBURG. KANSAS May 11,1938 Dr.Forrest C.Allen Director of Physical Education Caiversity of Kansas Lawrence,Kans. Dear Dr.Allen: We surely appreciate your nice letter in regard to Joe Giannangelo and are sure that he would make us a very fine trainer and. stockroom man if we were able to employ him. However we are very hard pressed for jobs end find it necessary to use some of out athletes in that capacity. It is not a very satisfactory arrangement but it seems to be the best we can do. Of course the boy gets some valuable experience slong with the mistakes. I know that I would personally be glad to have Joe here for we need some one like that and I anpreciate your information about him. I will be glad if we ever get to the place where we will be able to use some one who has had the training in that field,it will certainly relieve me of that responsibility. Thanks again for your nice letter and I hope that Joe will find it possible to complete his course. With kindest personel regards,1I remain ay ee yours, aes Chao A ee Fobétball Coach ; CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE WARRENSBURG MO. May 9, 1938 Dr. Forrest. Cc. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I was pleased to receive your letter regard- ing Joe Giannangelo who is interested in work here for next year. However, I am very doubtful that there will be an opening. We sare hiring a new Basketball Coach who will probably assist in Foot- ball and I expect that is all the assistance that will be allowed. If anything should develop I will keep your man in mind. Thank you for your interest in the matter. Sincerely yours, Football Coach CV: IM May 4p 19880 Dear Fran: | | I an writing you see Joo ¢ who played football here three years on the varsity, and last assisted Conger, our freshman . coach, and also assisted in the training worke Jog has taken my course in Treatment of Athletic Injuries here and I think he is an exellent ‘o Joe lacks nearly one year in finishing his course heres sller coll né desire to have a position whore he can train the : teon and assist in wetever work in physical education that is necessary. | Monongahela, Pennsylvaniae I will gladly vouh for his cleanliness, hie integrity and hie bomosty. Ye is very popular on the campus, both students and Seenneneane One Shee ut Sete ing for next years I would appreciate it, if you such an opening, if would write mo and Joo could cane dow - gverage student, not especially brilifant beonuse it hes been necessary _ to work his way through colleges However, I would say thet Joe is getting along in tho time of life where he realizes the importance of adhering to his collegiate work rather temeiously so that he can enjoy _ the larger life that would unfold to him when he obtains his dogrec. ee : oe With Idimeest personal regards, I an sh ins pnthinah: Ges sin See wn tent Sar antes equimment for ou swimming pool or locker roca. K-M Supply Corporation MILLER WARDROBE MANUFACTURERS THE ALTERNATOR PROSEMACO WARDROBE 119-23 West Eighth Street ee FLEXODESK BOOKBOARD Kansas City, Mo. UMBRELLA CONTAINER 6 = 16 = 38 Robinson eed Pool, Lawrence, $4Se Att: Director of Athletics — Kansas University. Gentlemen: We understand that you have or will have a Swimning Pool and it may be that we can help you on your needs for certain items. We are featuring wire baskets for Pools made in various gauges of welded wire, either galvanized or cadmium plated. Also, we can furnish wicker baskets and Safety Pins. If you will furnish us with the size of baskets, the finish, numbering and quantity, desired we will quote you very attractive pricese We also have the following equipment and should you be interest- ed in any particular item, give us complete information and we will gladly send you descriptive literature and prices. SWIMMING POOL EQUIPMENT - PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT STEEL LOCK=RS - GYMNASIUM EQUIPMENT BENCHES for POOLS, PARKS or GEYERAL USE, Trusting that we will have the pleasure of serving you, we are Very truly yours K-M Supply Corporation WEM B By. REMOVABLE—NON-REMOVABLE COATHANGER April 15, 1938. 8 ivi 7 eH Yous I assure you me to acort, your ionatation 1 you be quite satisfactory, if a oh guanine Ge wo are able to ft woul bo a Varsity Basketball Conch, VERNON PARKS DIRECTOR WALTER JOHNSON TREASURER w.O. CAIN CLERK POMONA RURAL HIGH SCHOOL L. W. MYERS. PRINCIPAL —$<$< POMONA, KANSAS. April 14, 19358 be. 7. Ge ALION Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Will you be available as commencement speaker on the night of Thursday, May 19? The exercises will be held at the Pomona Rural High School at 8:00 o'clock.= We have been paying $25 for this servece. Will this be satisfactory with you? Hoping that you will be able to serve us. I re- main, Very sincerely yours ere. 77 eee Le W. Myers, Principal September 20, 1937. Hr, Dele We Naxwell, AttorneyeateLayv, Galena, Kaneses, . Dear Dale: Yery happy to have your letter of the iSth instant, and to know thet as yet you did not neet that goo@-looking Kanses sweater to protect you \ from the chill biasts of the Kensas winter, - However, I am very sure that you would like to heve it in your possession, dDeeause a lawyer alweys looks ehead, In fact, they teil me that he secs throe sides of scvery question « your sida, sife and the right side, “his is net what President Roosevelt thinks about the lewyers, but what i think about res is thet they ses the right side. So wemy people have been throwing brickbets at the lawe yors for their ability to evade the law rather than interpret it, e | J have just called tie Athletic Office and foumi lir, Felkenstien out, but. I checked with ips. Webster and'she says aho ie yery sures the sweaters have arrived, and i an passing on your good _ letter to them and will ask that they employ Uncle Sam immediately to convey to you the ietter thet you earned last year, ' | Dees I see that you really go in for expensive things ~- golé end duck mmting. Yo proletariat could Go this consistently unless he is counting on a goodly income. I em sure that ron are one of these who shoot ducks instead of football coaches. That ies better sport, anyhow, because a dead duck is worth something, | : Iam certainly hoping that the football team does better. You know, Dale, the ordinary business end professionali men of nowadays is sane on most every subject of the day's issue, with the ex- ception of the good old colicge game. They they have rabies and the hydrophobia really works on them, They get pop-eyed and that is one sport they know more ebout than anybody else in the world. #2 - Dale Maxwell, “Gn alumnus going to me nts alma mater, #2 ~ Dale Maxwell, oe An alummyis of one college bets an alumnus of another college $50,00 that his team is going to whip tho tar out of the vrofessionaltman's alma mater, and when the game ents they have lost their fifty _ gmackers and there is only one thing to do < and that is the fire the football coach, or just raise the devil. But when football season is over the business ané prefessional man goes back to his work, doing a ‘good job in making a very fine living and is considered a pretty reasonadle fellow. They don't just get that ‘way «« they have already gotten that way. eau I know bankers and lawyers that would sit down and give you the finest advice about everything ; that you might ask them, excevt about that great American gane that. we have all gone nutty over, Bonk: DT was at the allestar game in Chicago this summer, Over 35,000 people attended, and many of them paid 3,30 for a seat to seeaa spectacle that was entirely out of season, but was ballyhooed by the | Chicago Tribune in the name of charity, I do not know what the pras got but the ameteurg got $500.00 a piece and all their expenses, ahd, the promoter got $10,000 for his promotion, I am hoping that some of those anemic Little kids got some milk that was net too diluted to straighten up their rachitice bodies. I is a great ching we do in the nane of charity. | ie The boys came out and as they passed by me they looked like a bunch of professio wrestlers who had seen their best days - big, fat, stolid and leaden individuals, all of whom had come to eellege to get 2 college education, but most of them being paid GQuring the time they wore in sehool, and who feel they \ coule earn wore money playing football even in college ‘than they could earn on the outside. When their days of eligibility were over they were not satisfied like Dale Maxwell, who, starts out practicing patience « not, t hope = but is willing to start at the bottom, and being hopeful, anticipating a life wherein competence and inteliigence will put you on, not Easy Street, I would say, but in a community where your integrity and your standing will make # durable satisfaction for you . the rest of your life. — : 3 . . But these big lugs, bruised ani battered, muddy and sweaty, looked like the “grunt and groan artists" that we see on the professional ballyhooed hippodrome,. — ee , N #3 #~ Dale Maxwell, My gset son, Bobby, was with me and I looked at him, He is just a freshman this year in college here on Mount Oread, and I thought if a boy of wine after four years in college would waddle off & slimy arena looking like that Z would feel like his | life certeinly had been diverted into improper channels, : ce geo what you did when you wrote me that kind of 2 letter, Youn caused me to go you one vetter and fatigue your optic nerve over things that will @o neither of us any good and perhaps will never be eble to do anything about it, Well, anyhow, Dale, I an sure thet your sweater will not only grace and adorn as well as pro- tect those manly shoulders of yours, but will look well on this young attorney of Galena, Kansas. With every good wish te you, I am ? } Sincerely yours, FGA SAB : Director of Physical Education. P, S, And I might edd that I am mighty happy to be. aole to keep the wolves from the garage door and no the football wolves from the front door, | E. B. MORGAN DALE W. MAXWELL MORGAN & MAXWELL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW GALENA, KANSAS September 18, 1937 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Athletic Dept., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog"-- The cool fall winds are beginning to blow, and I am reminded of the fact that 'ere long that heavy red sweater will come in very handy. Perhaps the manufacturers have been harrassed with labor troubles or perhaps the sheep themselves have been on a no=pro- duction basis--at any rate, my sweater has not come as expected. I am not at all alarmed by this failure, and will continue to love my alma mater until it really does get cold and I have nothing to ~ wear duck hunting. This is a good excuse to write to you, however, and to wish you, and your colleagues in the athletic dept. the best of luck and the most successful of years, The newspapers téll us that Ad is expecting an improved team this fall--I hop e so. No one could reasonably expect a worse one, I'm sure--and no one can reasonably expect any revolutionary change in this years team such as would make Notre Dame a bit apprehensive over their coming series with us. You are to be individually complimented on your activities during thé summer by which you are no doubt prepared to inaugurate the new dept. on a high standing which will reflect credit upon’ you, the students, and the University. I've taken up a sufficient gmount of your time, so I'll sign off. If the sweaters are there, or are to arrive shortly, tell Brother Falken-= stein of the shivering attorney in Galena, Kansas. Very truly _yo i LA Dale W. Maxwell DWM: gr é, | em very es to have your letter of sepa 3lst. Should anything arise that might ag ef interest to you I assure you it would. @ a pleasure to ——* with you, i assure” re it would be an added | =o “ pleasure to visit with ae concerning some of -. @ar mutual friends in ¢ — Ohic, as well 3 ee in Missouri and Kansas. With every good wish, I an ‘Sincerely yours, Director of Physical dducations — UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI COL: UM BB 1A +e 4 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION August 31,1957 Dr.Forrest C Allen Dir.of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawerence, Kansas Dear Dr.Allen: I wish to thank you for your letter of July 24th relative to a position on your physical education steff. A day or so after writing you I noticed by the Kansas City paper that Dr.V.W.Lapp had been hired for the position,I also noticed that you were making a tour of physical ed- ucation schools of the East,hence I have not written you. I shall be very glad to be considered for a position there at any future time that one occurs,or should you decide to enlarge your staff in this field. I am continuing my work here at the university this coming year,working toward my Doctorate in physical education,but should a vacancy occur at any time I feel sure that the university authorities would not stand in my way but would release me from my contract. | While I am not personally acquainted with Dr.Lapp I do know of his work and I feel that you have added a worth while man to your staff and one that will be an assett. I should be very glad to have a talk with you at any time it is convenient,for we have many friends in common,several of my friends in Cleveland,Ohio as well as here in Missouri and Kansas are your big boosters. Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter. Very truly yours, . Kirk E Miler Physical Education University of Missouri Columbia,Missouri sei te Z SN Sas les ae 7 aaa al te: ae eins SE Se ESS ok a Nelo ck ree ERS RR ee ad. es No en Thenk you for your very oielons: letter ot te sth ultime o ims, lovny thie gent - os thet we conducted at Spirit | Lake, 1 - sumer, You are very generous in your praise and i assure you that it is ‘deeply Tcopesatatel. ss Permit me te thank - —m Big! Little eee. contribution on SWAG, This elever, { lili use this in my work this fal) s winter He when we have our daily sugges —_ posted on the Pi bulletin beard, The three™Bt" always a good ee ee ret i hee” dietary problems ey Trusting that you have a very ‘enceebefud ; j Tene; Ak chek f my hee fyom you ageing 428 Very sincerely yours, PGASAH ss Diweetor of Physical Bducation, R. R. Johnston, President J. L. Parkison, Secretary PERCIVAL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Lynn Sanderson, Superintendent PERCIVAL, IOWA August 28, 1957 Dr. Forrest Allen, Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sirs It was my good fortune to be among those coaches present at the school that you conducted at Spirit Lake, lowa this summer, and may I say that I have never seen basketball presented as clearly and efficiently as it was at that school. I hope that I may be able to attend another of your schools next year. I was very much interestee in the training end, and was quite taken with your idea of the three "B's" as a boys diet. I am wondering if it has ever occured to you, “When a boy is not in condition, has training rules have generally hit a S N A G" - uctroogd OD ctOQR bf RPOpoger oun ov o spectfu yours SSE hike CME September 15, 19357. Director, tir, Gwinn Hemry, 2 very affab ee a. eee x Sy will take cure of your request, and I am ng on your letter to him with the admonition to take care of A, J, Carruth with the seme dexterity — preggo that we have endegvored through the years to do. I enjoyed the ree Willow clipping regarding Cherles L. Mitchell's private car on his Highland Park estate. You will note that J said "estate". When I have been oa the golf Links and passed _— domicile I have often soliloquized on your ability to transfer a railroad property to common terrain and make it so compatible, inside ané out. : Lets of good luck to you, Charlie, ee \ Sincerely yours, > ~ PCAtAH Director of Physical Education, September 18, 1957. Hr, Charles L, #itehell, Seere » Crane & Company, Topeka, ansas, Dear Charlie: caus Taenk you for your good metre ef the You wrote a @inger to Elmer Holm. If , this fellow doesn’t do something for you now it will not ne because you didn’t give him & pep talk. You are right + you will hear from Mr. Henry in the very near future, I am ‘sure, > | I wiil be delighted to see you in your recreationsl parlor. That “parlor venue. like plush - earpets and e a sg It would be © great treat to be with you in aptesin's Cabin". YF should have raised that rank two or three, but the alliteration sounds better then the raise fn rank, ; Don't worry about thet ane lip, Nothing grows thore, Pe ' Yours for the better all the tine. Sincerely yours, FCASAE | Director of Physical Education, f / { F. S.CRANE, PRESIDENT oe TE HITCHELL, SECRETARY (RANE: ano ( ~ RANI ann aa 1 [RINTING - LITHOGRAPHING - EMBOSSING BANK STATIONERY - OFFICE FURNITURE TOPEKA, KANSAS Sent. 16, 1937 Forrest C. Allen, “irector Physical Education University of Kansas bawrence, Kansas Dear Forrest: Your letter of September 15, and 1 take it that I will hear from Mr. Henry. Regarding the private car, want you to "come on up and see me sometimes" This is to be our "re- creational parlor''---get that "parlor?" Hoping that you are Keeping well and happy and that you will maintain your lipp. er stiff, I am oft f, Yours for better Or f f f es P.S | is << : x : § eSe -— I am fs wrote to our Washburn coach. or it? ‘reto copy of a letter I What do you think CLiai - ss >». /4 Be * i Tpéeka, Kénsés- fer «> 4olm ectgpeee Athletics ‘Wweirn Cgllege vesr Limer: ‘Beferring ‘to. the etteched, just a line to-tell that “F got en." Just remember that we don't expect you to win every Bane. | fant to remind you that we want "flash”.=-~ soecta .cular"-——whe ther you win or lose we want thrills.” We want "excitexent." ce want some- Apion to "Keep the blood running not.” Tell your bunch to “do their daundest,” end we are with them and for them whether they win or lose. 41] we went is a demonstration of the fact that they are doing their level best; want them to «now we are giving as much creait for 4 conscientious try as we are for e "safety first." hoping thet we will not be able to sit on the seats more than about five minutes at e time curing every one of your games, I am . Yours for better or for worse Chui C KARL H.ROYER, MOSE.MANAGER LOREN V.BROWN, SALES MANAGER REED G.GENTRY, GENERAL AUDITOR ARNO F. HEINRICH,V.P. & FACcY. SUPT. R.C. CAMPBELL, ViCE PRESIDENT FRED M. WILLIAMS, SECRETARY GEORGE C. LOWE, PRESIDENT O.KEEDY CAMPBELL,V.P.& GEN.MGR. LES R.FREEBURG, Vice PRES.& TREAS KANSAS CITY, MO. . = BOSTON, MASS. MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. DALLAS, TEXAS CHICAGO, (LL. CINCINNATI, OHIO 5; : ’ > > we : : : PHILADELPHIA, PA. = s, j j ST. PAUL, MINN. PITTSBURGH, PA. @& 4 / / if =4 ; ST. LOUIS, MO. = a . eee ee ane BUFFALO, N.Y. 2 =e aS —— metic aa DETROIT, MICH. af. 4 = WASHINGTON,D.C == = 7s = % : —— = SSS ae = KANSAS CITY,KANS. = 3 — 7, ; [— P re CLEVELAND, OHIO = ATALEDLL CE. ID = ' z DENVER COLO: DES MOINES, |1OWA a= oo: : ITHACA,NEW YORK CHARLOTTE,N.C. ————E SSS —— = = SYRACUS €) RY WORCESTER,MASS. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURING 5 NASHVILLE, TENN. 1809-11-13 BALTIMORE AVE., Aan sas, Crim Meo, September 27th, 1937 Dre Forrest Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dre Allens I am acting in accordance with your suggestion in writing the McGraw-Hill Company regarding permission to use the article "Dream Touchdown" in "The Coach" as a means of advertising your book and believe that they will welcome the opportunity to advertise it in this mannere if you think it necessary I will return my copy of the article to you for correction of the part where Bill's name is men= tioned but I presume that this can be taken care of here without difficultye Very cordially yours, LOWE & CAMPBELL ATHLETIC GOODS COMPANY Me He Miller WA | September 24, 1937, lr, Heery g, liudd, Siles one? Sand Knitting Mills Co., i714 WH, Damen Ave,., Chicago . Tllinois, _— carey? I am very heppy te have your ‘ioteue dateentns mo that you are now with the Sen@ people. I assure you that if at ony time Z ean @o you 4 favor it will be &© pleesure to dc the SES» With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, —*FCAsAR Director of Physical Education, HONOR SWEATERS FOOTBALL JERSEYS BASKETBALL SHIRTS GIRLS’ MIDDIES WARM UP SHIRTS WARM UP PANTS FOOTBALL HOSE BASEBALL HOSE HOCKEY CAPS CHENILLE & FELT LETTERING SAND HARRY E. MUDD . SALES MANAGER t ie _ SCHOOL & COLLEGE DIVISION BATHING SUITS BASKETBALL PANTS ee ee COTTON TANK SUITS r : WRESTLING TIGHTS SOCCER JERSEYS HONOR JACKETS WARM UP COATS BOXING TRUNKS TRAINING SUITS HOCKEY HOSE SAND "poeee el pecie ae xm | = Exclusive Knit Goods for Athletic Wear ree Z 1714-20 NORTH DAMEN AVENUE CHICAGO September 16,1957 Br. Fe. C.eAllen, Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"s It is with pleasure that I announce my association with SAND KNITTING MILLS, as they are without question the outstanding manufacturers in their particular field. You are undoubtedly familiar with the high quality and style of their Athletic Clothing and Honor Award Sweaters. Because the line is quite extensive, it is not practical for our Distributors to carry sufficient samples to do our line justice, so it will be my duty and pleasure to contact the Schools and Colleges, acquainting them with our complete line. It is in this capacity I hope to call on you in the near future. I am sending you our latest catalog and price list, ghould you be in the market for any item before I have a chance to call on you, I would appreciate the mailing of your order or inquiry direct to the factory where, I assure you, every detail will receive very prompt and careful attention. Sincerely yours, HEM: JD STYLE — OUALITY « SERVICE tee 2 env booby, 4 he Oompa Pino Slvde, wae — urs sities Zhe writer was in ~ _ éll summer. | Tpon his return a letter fron Yr. 3, 9, LeBlane was received, dated August 10, ! This had to ae with the teaching of the Personal Hygiene course, Your book has been peceived and it is very interesting, I assure you that we will give the text very eareful consider= ation ans attention, ! With the orgenizetion of the new course in Physical Education it has been wel impossible for us to review this, However, in the near future that will be done. Thank you very — \ Sincersly yours, WOAen Direetor of Paysical Education, THE CV MOSBY COMPANY PINE BLVD.-ST.LOUIS, MISSOURI EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT September 2, 1937 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas College of Liberal Arts Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Several weeks ago we mailed you, with our compliments, a copy of "Personal Hygiene” by Turner. Since we have not heard from you, we are wondering if you received it. It is our hove that the form enclosed in the book will help you in examining it to the best advantagee Won't you kindly use it and go over the text care- fully? We feel confident that you will find it interestingly atimulating to read. After you have finished, please write yas your opinion of it. n Ossibly you will make "Personal Hygiene” the text for your course this fall. Best regards. THE C. V. MOSBY COMPANY Educational DEM:VS THE CV MOSBY COMPANY PINE BLVD.- ST.LOUIS, MISSOURI EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT August 10, 1937 Dr, FF. C. Allen University of Kansas College of Liberal Arts Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Mr. Oberst learned that you were to teach the new course in hygiene which is to be offered at the University of Kansas — this fall when he called at the college of liberal arts re- cently. He requested that we send you a complimentary copy of Turner's "Personal Hygiene," which we published a short time ago, and accordingly one was mailed to you on July 27. If your course is to be one semester's length, and is to in- clude a thorough treatment of all the important phases of personal hygiene, then this book will fill your needs very _well indeed. Probably, also, every professor likes a text ‘that has an air of being addressed directly to the student, and speaks in language students understand and enjoy reading. Here Turner measures up again. In fact, we think you will agree, when youexamine it, that it isn't lacking along any line at all which is necessary for the making of a good textbook. We always appreciate comments on our books, and would like to have you write and tell us how you like it. If it impresses you favorably, try it out in your classes this fall. With our kindest regards. THE C. V. (MOSBY COMPANY B. O. LeBlanc BOL:AH Educational Department