April 3, 1944. Mre Wayne F. Replogle, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Dear Wayne: Saturday Mr. Don H. Saker, the father of Pvt. Don H. Baker, dre, USHCR, Base Dispensary, Ward 7, MCB, Sen Diego 40, California, called and said that his son was in the hospital there with rheumatic fever. He stated that he called for a numeral for his son in football, but was told his son was not on the list. Mr. Baker told me that both Gwinn Henry and you had told Den that | without a doubt he would be recomended for a numeral since he had never missed one day of practice with the freshman football squad. Of course, he was broken hearted about the thing and said that if it was still possible for you to recall him and make a recommendation, then he would be notified that he would have his mmeral, and in this way it would Se ee ne nee A AN PR 2h REN ay OF iego. ; I know nothing about the matter and since there are no athletic - people of the old regime here now, naturally I get all of the applications, supplications, and near-complaints. Please do not feel that I am forcing any issue, but I am trying © to carry on for father and son in this instance. I will appreciate an early reply. I trust that everything is going well with you, old fellow. Very sincerely yours, Director wf Physical Education, PCAtAH Varsity Basketball Coach.