4 io STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA February 12, 1944 -Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; I have not been able to answer your good letter at an earlier date because we have recently been so in- volved in the new draft regulations that it has kept us busy trying to get out the necessary certifications. I dug through my basketball files and found a somewhat worn copy of the study I made of baskets at adifferent heights. I am enclosing this for your informa- tion. In connection with the fatigue about which you have asked, you should know that this material is entirely of a subjective nature. As stated in the report, it was obtained from the stst ements of those who participated in the tests. It was not possible at the time to set up any plan for ob- jective measurements along this line. So far as I know, there has been no follow up of my study anywhere here on the coast. As I mention in the report, I think a great deal of additional study is necessary before we reach any definite conclusions. From what I have seen to date, I am not entirely sure in my mind that raising the baskets is the solution to our problem. I am not at the moment ad- vocating any particular change but rather I am in a state where I feel I need additional objective information to either substantiate or change my present trend of thinking. Somehow I have a feeling that the twelve foot basket will make as much of a freak of the game as the seven foot player. I would like to be more certain of my grounds before I take a definite stand. \ 5 i q 4 4 q 4 4 : “ I read your letter to Mr. Fullerton with consider- able interest. You certainly covered a wide range of ter- ritory so far as a projection of basketball rules is cons cerned and as usual you did it in your typical dynamic and