Other trainers that I have developed are Roland Logan, formerly of the Boston Red Kox, George Washington University, the University of Pittsburgh, the U. S. Military Academy of West Point, and now in the service at North Carolina Pre- ht with Jim Crowleys Elwyn Dees, another one of our graduates, was with us a while, then with Oklahoma aggies, Pittsburgh, Nebraska and Iowa Pre-Flight. I have two other men that I have developed, Kelley of the University of Texas, and Dean Nesmith, our present trainer. I mention this to show you that everyone of our boys has been very successful when they have left our place. We had unother school ~- the Kansas State High School Athletic Assoo- iation Coaching Schook, at Topeka, Kansas, right after the Iowa engage- ment. Frankly, I sell more books on the treatment of athletic injuries than I am now selling on basketball at these coaching clinics because I have been able to demonstrate the treatment while I was there. I had not planned on doing much before my basketball season was over, which would be in the spring. At present I am secretary of our County Selective Service Board, was county chairman for the 1944 Red Cross drive, and have headed up the University drives for the Commnity Chest and War Pund, and now the Sixth War Loan Drive. So you can see that I will have little time for this util basketball season is over. Does this meet with your approvalt Very sincerely yours, ; Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH , Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc.