ae HOLD aa nace pres THE ORDER HAS ao k2 7 RECEIPT * eg oO CENTS FOR REMITTER TO DETACH AND HOLD MUST BE PRESENTED AT OFFICE OF ISSUE WHEN IN- QUIRY IS MADE REGARDING ORDER _ & ISSUING OFFICE atanPPnden? fyi? 1 September 14, 1940 MeGraweHill Book Company $30 East 42nd Street New York, New York Dear Sirss Will you kindly send me five copies of Better Basketball at the usual author's discount? T wil be glad to cond you a check on receipt of your bills. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg September 20, 1940 Upon receipt of a statenent I will be glad to send you a checks | Director of Pyysical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach October 1, 1940 The MeGrewaHill Book Canpany 380 East 42nd Street New York, New York Dear Sirs: | Buolosed is a check in the amount of four dollars and forty-seven cents (324047) to cover inveiees Hos TES749 and Bos T6100, for ten copies _ of Better Basketball. Sincerely yours, Director of Fyysical Education end Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Ente ~ McGraw-HiLt Book Commascy Inc. McGRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42n0 STREET NEW YORK,NY. T41806 TO * * FORREST C, ALLEN eee DEPT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION oe UNI VERS ITY OF KANSAS. | LFAWRENCE KANSAS = NET 30 DAYS—NO CASH DISCOUNT ALLOWED 919240 S OrveR No. NONE Rea. No. Via NONE Crass © quantity | CONTRA A/c TITLES UNIT PRICE | DISCOUNT NET § ALLEN BASKETBALL 40 | 24 12 00 CARRIAGE oo BOOKS SENT BY MAIL, OR SENT TO OTHERS TO BE PACKED, ARE AT PURCHASER’S RISK es ¢ McGrRAw- HILL Book GomMpPany INC. McGRAW-HILL BUILDING T 4 4 a 4 9 330 WEST 42n0 STREET NEW YORK,NY. TO AVOID MISTAKES, PLEASE FORREST C ALLEN SHOW THIS INVOICE NUMBER UNIVE ®SITY OF K ANNSAS ON YOUR REMITTANCE. - DEPT, OF PHYSI@AL EDUC, * LAWRENCE KANSAS + Date 9-23~@@BBR No. NONE Rea. No. Via NONE CLass QUANTITY TITLES = ONTRA A/C UNIT PRICE DISCOUNT NET : * 5 ALLEN BETTER BASKETBALL : 400 |a/s | ‘12 00 ‘CARR | AGE ae 2 ot NET 30 DAYS—NO CASH DISCOUNT ALLOWED — ’, ae f rs 0 pe y a 4 S \ Ae BOOKS SENT BY MAIL, OR SENT TO OTHERS TO BE PACKED, ARE AT PURCHASER’S RISK October 5, 1940 ire Curtis McGraw 330 East 42nd Street New York, lew York Dear Mr, VeGraws i am sending you a letter that I received fran lite Mele Andrews, formerly of Street and Smith. His letter is selfeexplamtorye | if compatible with your policy and in conformity 3 with our agreement, that ccceasiomily the author could recommend an author's copy for distribution, I should like to recomend that the Katherine House of Christian Fellowship of Bast Chicago, Indiam., receive a copy of Better Basketball for their under= — a institution ts located in the hotbed of basketball. ; Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig Ene at ‘Thea a “asters Coaching School ‘this sumer-at the University of ‘Temas; also one at Topelm, Kansas sponsored by the Kansas State High sehool a have | Athletie Associations The year before I was % Georgia Tech in’ Atlanta, ue “then the ‘text, which I dee You can see ty chooldng up my orders with your firm that I individually coll @ great mmber of these bookte . . ‘Im the teaching profession there is a complete turnover of teachers - every cight years; in the coaching profession, I believe with reasonable thinke | ings thie could be lowered almost 50%, or say there is almost a conplete turnover every four yourss I an wudering if there has been any special solicitation by your corporation of Better Basketball in the last years With so many now coaches coming in I feel ae Ti theré Is @ possibility of placing this text before these coaches in @ different way. , | = ep I gonfess that I do not have c definite suggestion, but I am passing on what information might be valuable should you contemplate any additional 3 advertising. last year our basketball team won the Western lational Collegiate title by defeating the University of Southern Californias We lost to the University of Indiana for the Mational title in the game played in the finals of the National Collegiate in Kansas City on March 50. We grossed $22,600 in the clear, end . $10,000 net on the tourmment. I thought you might care to use sone of this ! additionl date which we could give you should you decide to carry out en advertising venture, - aah ee ! | houses, to see which team would be eligible te represent our Mth z the Oklahoma Aggies, who were the winners of the Missouri Valley _ Conference. YT played this game et Oklaham City and filled their municipal = — 9 overflowing, and we won it in an overetime game, Thon on Merch 22 | ty of Southern California and the University of Colorado, — Rice Institute and the University of Kansas met, Kansas defeated Rice and , University of Southern California, 42 to 4le : | | PT, puri and Oklahoma for the Big-Gix titles then we played it off at Wichita, —_ Mire MoGrew Page Two ene : Cote 21, 1940 - ‘Byery one of these gance c tanod the seating capacity af the now i‘ munioipal eu Gity, and when the finals came up the whole tow of Kansas City went basketball conscious decidedly. ‘the Nationa) Collegiate Of the Tatiana rector of the Toumanent and T arranged to have tho meubere ci of 3 : of the National Basketball Rules Comittee of the United States and Canada meet at Kansas City at that time, We alse arranged to have the Mational : * Association of Basketball Coaches session there coinei dent with these cites. co We had planned to have Dre Telenith prosent, but he passed avay the : latter part of November, However, ee eee a ee , Conference or the BigeSevens and we had won the Bi gel and the Fifth Detriote | i am wondering 42 ony of these anzies would be appealing in an advere tieing waye While we are not lational champions we ere Western champions and (Semiefinalists in the Netiomal, With our string of victories, as far as winnd ng , championships are concerned, I believe we the outstanding record of any team in the United States, in that we rn er oe here than ay team in the United Stetese 2 feel that I should pass ont ay intention that would male | the sale en ae 7 Very cordially yours, Divector of Physical Biveation and Recreation October 21, 1940 NoGramdti22 Book Campaty $350 Bast 42nd Strect New York, New York Dear Sirss : ‘Will you kindly cend me five copies of Better Basketball at the usul author's discount? . i wili be giad to send you @ check on reecipt of the bill. Sincerely yours, “rector of Hiysical Zéuestion and Recreation — oo POAsig 3 I am sending you e letter, the last paragraph of which is self-explanatory. Dire ctor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsig : Ene October 29, 1940 Mre Curtis We MeGraw MeGrew = Hill Building $50 West 42nd Street Now York, Ne Yo. Deer Mre MeGraw: Thank you for your very good letter of the 25th explaining the additional promotion advertising in fevor of Botter Basketballs I quite agree with you thet your cempsign of "Scholastic Coach" and “Athletic Journal" should pretty well cover all the newer coaches if they read their professicnel literature. I am in accordence with your feelings, however, in thet some people will never read it even though it is Placed right under their nose. fhanking you for your letter, I am, Very cordielly yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Besketball Coach FCA 71g zmin a ees McGrRAw-HiLt Book COMPANY: INC. ee CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS COLLEGE DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING rete Ea Se 330 WEST 42np STREET sere Berner CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT _ SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER October 25th a 9 -O Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: I have your letter of October 21 asking certain questions about the promotion of BETTER BASKETBALL and giving me the most interesting picture of your basketball season and the play-offs for the title. My congratulations to you even though a bit late and best wishes for the coming year. I knew in a hazy sort of way that you were pretty close to the top last Winter and I agree with you that basketball throughout the country certainly holds the very high interest and attendance of the public, in fact, basketball many years ago passed football attendance by a considerable margin. Of course, I have known that the coaching turnover particularly among the smaller teams is great but I did not think it as much as you pointed out which was surprising. In checking with our Promotion Department, I find that during the year BETTER BASKETBALL has been included in six mail campaigns as well as several advertisements. The main circular used was the full-page one which you have and a few of our other sport books were included as well. They pull pretty well too! During the first part of November, Mr. Egner tells me that he is having another campaign using the "Scholastic Coach” and *Athletic Journal” as well which should pretty well cover directly all of the newer coaches . There is no question about it but that no matter what book is published, you are always going to find some people who haven't heard of it even though it is in their line and has been placed right under their noses. The book is selling well and the next campaign should help some more. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, CWM: HML CH b) : Wefan November 9, 1940 iis elecbkd dock Seca 350 East 42nd Street New York, New York Dear Sirss Buclosed is a eheck in the amowmt of twelve dollers end twenty-four cents ($12.24) to cover invoice. Noe — for five copies of | Better — Sincerely yours, Mrector of Physical Bdueation end Reoreation = oe Goaeh McGraw-HiLt Book Company: Inc. eee T62755 NEW YORE. N-Y. : FORREST C, ALLEN TO AVOID MISTAKES, PLEASE DEPT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATI ON ao eS ee UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ON YOUR REMITTANCE. LAWRENCE, KAN SAS NET 30 DAYS—NO CASH DISCOUNT ALLOWED Darel 0/ 25/6RoB No. NONE Rea. No. : NONE Cass C QUANTITY TITLES UNIT PRICE | DISCOUNT GROSS OR NET 5 | ALLEN BETTER BASKETBALL 480 | 2/5 CARRIAGE (0 te BOOKS SENT BY MAIL, OR SENT TO OTHERS TO BE PACKED, ARE AT PURCHASER’S RISK last week I spent my time in speaking before the Northwestern _ Ohie State Teachers Association in Toledo, and later in the week at the Wisconsin State Teachers Association in Milwaukee, I also attended ade ministrative meetings in Chicago, Tllinoise | ) ir, Arthur Morse, of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association in Chicago, asked me if I would mil him an autographed copy of my booke I find it very embarrassing at times when I run into these fellows to turn them dom, Upon several occasions I have autographed personal books that I purchased from lcGraweHill and Company rather than to write and ask you to olmy this or that complimentary copye Yor the past year I have sent out several copies. It is necessary that I have them here to autograph then and when I write you and have you send it to them, then they mail it to me and after I have autographed the book I mail it I quite agree with you that these fellows _ thing for their nerves. They have plenty of it, but yet at the same time _, & am faced with a problem of promoting the book in the best possible way, _ and frankly I believe that a book well placed at times does - @specially when they are in a position to help in the di ! ° For that ; on if you would care to send me four or five copies to be used where I can do the most good wi ) Os th We had very large gatherings at all of our meetings, and I told them, of course, that I was not selling the book, that the same lecture I was giving could be found in my b 2 that while I could touch on a worked out by photograph, exposition and diagram in the text, Myre MeGraw Page Two Nove 12, 1940 from one of the coaches on my desk dated November 8, in which he states, "Of course I refer to your Better Basketball contimally, and it really does give a lot of help that I did not know I had at hand." I tell them that everything I coach my versity team to do is found in this new book, Better Basketball, Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach — FCAslg November 22, 1940 The MeGraw-Hill Book Company 330 East 42nd Street New York, New York . Dear Sirss Will you kindly send me five copies of Better Basketball at the usual author's discount? I will be glad to send you a check on receipt of the bille Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach . FCAslg December 19, 1940 Mre Curtis “, MeGraw The MeGraweHill Book Company 330 West 42nd Street New York, New York Dear Mre licGraws one of the users of our text entitled Better Basketball, calls my attention to two apparent errors, and I am writing to pass this information on to you so you may pass it on to the proper authority for corrections On page 167, the fourth line in the paragraph on “A More Difficult Recovery" reads as follows: “thrown himself dow over the guard's Left thigh"s this should read right thigh instead of left thighs. On page 289, the last line reads, "3 passes to 1 and so on"; this should read, 3 passes to 2 and so one These are two small corrections but I believe that if and when the next edition is printed it will be good to catch these ‘tao points. Thanking you for your cooperation, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg ES REL CN Nae a ah Sey aE tae Mc GrRAw- HILL Book COMPANY: INC. - McGRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42np STREET NEW YORK,N-Y. February 17 LS i Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of February 11 ealling our attention to an error on Page 3 of BETTER BASKETBALL. I have passed this over to our Production Department and the error will be corrected for the next printing. Sincerely, September 26, 1 941. Mr. Curtis McGraw, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 330 West 42nd Street, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. MeGraw: m | I have just received a copy of Bulletin No. 9 on Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, published by the Missouri Public School System, in which “Better Basket~ ball" is listed in the bibliography on page 500. I just wanted you to have this information and thought you could pass it on to your proper department. You may wish to obtain a copy of this bulletin, if you do not al- ready have it, and I suggest that you write to Mr. Forrest G. Stith, Coordinator, Jefferson City, Missouri. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Noverber 28, 1941, Ey. Curtis McGraw, . . MeGraweHill Publishing Co., 330 West 42nd Street, Hew York City, N.Y. Dear Mre MeGrew: This past week I have spoken in Enoxville, Iowa, and Cape Girardeau, Missouri, at the State Teachers College. I also came in contact with Dan Partner, stellar os writer of the canens City Stare -£ find that "Better Basketball” has been published long enough now thet thore are changes coming in certain | departments and radio stations, and these men in the a positions I find do not have copies of my book. ee ee oe my autograph on them. IT am wondering if you wuld have your sania mail me five copies for the author's autograph gift. . I assure you that I will not give away any unless they defin- itely have publicity value toward good saleability. When a new man comes on a job and I give him one of these books he is enthusiastic about it and picks out some part of the text to elaborate upene . i will appreciate your response at your convenience. With kindest personal regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and ar Coache Noverber 29, 1941. Mr. Curtis MceGraw, MoGraw-Hill Book Coe, 330 West 42nd St., New York City, N.Y. Dear i. NeGraws Will you kindly send me by return mail five copies of “Better Basketball"? I will send you a cheok - upon receipt of your statexent. | Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation, FCA:AH . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache December . 8, 1941 Mr. Curtis McGraw Vice-president MoGraw-Hill Book Co. 330 &. 42nd St. Now York, N.Y. Dear Mr. McGraw, I wish to acknowlege receipt of ten copies of Better Basketball. I am enclosing my personal check for $12.24 for five of these, and I wish to thank you very much for the five copies for use as the author's autograph gift. With all cood wishes I am i Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S. THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER WILLIAM E. HAWKE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Mc GRAw-HILL BOOK COMPANY: INC. Mc GRAW-HILI BUILDING CABLE ADDRESS “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK 330 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK,N-Y. LONDON : ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT HUGH J.KELLY TRADE DEPARTMENT December 2 be ee Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical HEducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have your two letters of November 28 and 29 respectively. As requested in your letter of November 28, we are sending you five compli- mentary copies of BETTER BASKETBALL to take care of certain changes in personnel in certain sports departments and radio stations who may be able to plug your book and I think this a good idea. I am glad you suggested this for it may help the sale and we are glad to cooperate. In answer to your second letter, we are sending you five more copies at the regular. author's discount which you are to pay for. With kind regards and best wishes. Sincerely, CWM:L January 20, 1942. Mre Co We MoGraw, MeGraw-Hill Book Co., 350 West 42nd St., Now York City, N.Y. Dear Fre MoGraw: In the January issue of the Journal of Health and Physical Education there is an article written by Jack Matthews of the University of Missouri entitled "Lower the Baskets". In this article he refers to our book, Better Basketball. I thought you would be interested in this reference. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. |