eae oon McGrAw-HILt Book CoMPANY:- INC. Series MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN . PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S.THOMPSON 330 WEST 42npo STREET FRANK L. EGNER VICE PRESIDENT MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,NY. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND T! RER REASU ig ocABle ADDRESS TONDO ea WILLIAM E. HAWKE ¢ GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ; SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Ra See ee: TRADE DEPARTMENT August 18 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: Your letter of August 12 to Mr. McGraw has been referred to me in his absence. I have put through the order enclosed. The sales of your book since publication involves approximately 2,500 orders. It would not only be a tremendous job to look up these orders and make a transcript, but right now we are short-handed because of vacations and are also running into our very heavy peak season when we simply could not find the time nor help to do this for you. Of course, if it is information you must have, we shall be glad to hire the necessary help to do this at your expense. Very truly yours, McGRAW-HIL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. “eS Cet 7 WEH: mK / Assistant Treasurer.