McGraw-Hitt Book Company-INc. o Dr. Forrest C. Allen = , pate 12/1/38 has been as heavy, if not heavier than ever before. Over two million pieces of mail order promotion have gone out this fall and the results have been very discouraging as opposed to good results in other falls. I have said all the above for there are times when books do not sell whether they have the competition of other books or not.: Present day times, too, are not comparable to conditions when you published the "Basketball Bible". There is, of course, more interest in basketball than ever before but at the time you published the "Basketball Bible", I am not sure that the competition or the conditions are at all compsrable with today. You, of course, being 42 great enthusiast and very close to the field, see as you move around where sales could be made here or there. To solicit personally is, of course, impossible on any commercial _ basis and it seems to me that the promotion efforts we have made, which include much advertising and many thousands of circulars, really shows we are giving the book every chance. We are sorry you are disappointed in the sale but in times such as the present, we consider them quite good. For the first three weeks in November, almost 200 more copies have been sold so that the total for the first year to date is approxi- mately 5,000. The sales for the next three months we hope will continue at the same or better rate. What your first year sales of the "Basketball Bible" were I do not know, but everything considered, it is a good record and I would challenge anyone to do better today. We naturally want our authors satisfied but we cannot do the impossible. Sincerely yours,