McGraAw-HiLt Book COMPANY: ING. " ® McGRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nn STREET NEW YORK,N-Y. How basketball can be played to win games-- SCHOLASTIC COACH says: "The book JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION has everything. All of Allen's Says: "..,7Tnis beok is & com basketball 'savvy' went into its plete treatment of the subject. making. Every fundamental of the It incorporates everything game -—- every type of pass, shot, — that a player, coach, official and play -— has been covered with trainer, or manager of a team the great fidelity to detail needs to know about his own characteristic of his coaching." special phase of the game." Allen's BETTER BASKETBALL This book is a practical guide to all recent developments in technique. It brings to everyone interested in the game the successful methods of indi- vidual and team play which have given Forrest C. ("Phog") Allen 21 champion- ships in his 26 years of coaching and have made him a leader in this popular Sport. Individual player skills; offensive and defensive movements; and tactics of coordinating the play and developing team offense and defense in their most up-to-date forms -—- are described in detail. The author gives many hints, too, on the psychology of winning games. True stories taken from Dr. Allen's own experience picture the part played by morale and other human factors in helping players upset scores and win unexpected victories. some high points of the book are: --163 photographs illustrating individual offense and defense; --86 diagrams clearly depicting game formations; —~the section dealing with training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, and methods of handling emergencies; —-suggestions for skill movements or drill by which groups may be taught the fundamentals of play without handling of the ball by individual players; —-detailed treatment of zone defense, man-to-man defense, screening, and other techniques. Every librarian. will want to provide at least one copy of this basketball manual for the use of coach, players, trainer, and manager. Every basketball team should have its suggestions for winning strategy. Order.your approval copy today. Let it help your coach and your players win the next basketball game. Very truly yours, Po Mieke. RFN:H : Manager, School Department (over)