vangsuuccemse, McGrRAw-Hit~t Book Company: INc. a MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER i PRODUCTION DER a ate : CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. EACH: SECRETARY. & ASST. TREASURER December 13 i: 3 =o 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: As promised in previous correspondence, I am enclosing herewith a sample of the special campaign which went out to the Kensas list which you furnished us. This has just been mailed and we will keep track of the orders received. I should tell you also that the School Department campaign of 10,000 was mailed last week and a goodly amount of orders are starting to arrive. In fact, yesterday the returns were around 60 copies. We very much hope that this indicates that sales by mail order are starting to improve. You will remember that I told you in an earlier letter that mail order in general throughout the country has been very poor all this Fall. Con- sequently, we delayed a lot of the campaigns which we had planned. I think we were wise in this, par- ticularly in the light of the fact that the campaign of 10,000 circulars on BETTER BASKETBALL which our College Department sent out early in October was a complete flop. As you well know, it is mighty p difficult to buck a falling market. While writing this, your letter of December 8 has arrived and I think the above fairly well answers everything you mention and I think I have discussed most of your points in previous letters as well. Please do not worry. We are watching the situation carefully and your book is getting every