a gga Bue ii an on ie 4 B25 , m endeavor to sell the thing to do under pleasure with business. — some copics of the TH 2 ®long in Osteber or November, and cane dub so late inst year that a lot kk with the Athletic Journal, I believe it shing Our beo editer of The Scholastic Coach to write somee this ; Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Very sincerely yours, FGA3AE better. Mc GrRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK,N-Y. July 18 1938 Dr. Forrect C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I acknowledge your letter of July 14, and will have a special letter and circular sent to Jimmy Melton as you re- quest. Sincerely yours, CWM: HML duly 19, 1958. ire Co We MeGraw, MoCramHi11 Book Cos, Now York City, NeYe Dear lire MoGraws shculis ns Auk patel 8 _ which I believe have not been sent read as follows: “the rules to + ge pt ye player to leave the free throw line until the ball has touched the basket or Page 37, last lime, should be ae follows: ". ow « the ages nn 8 me ee ee initials e en: mene of Hickox, Ee Ce, 19 (Index pe 486).« ae be made in BETTER BASKETRALL to yous Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Conche I have discovered the following ‘corrections to be made in BETTER BASKETBALL, which have not been sent to Mre. McGrew: Page 32, line 9 = correction in name of Paul Harrington (misspelled Herrington). ie - Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache Lowe en enh ene tarag adlyorccl eo 9 ag ght or Bag enigos 1 on the he i is ae Very sincerely yours, Be ES McGrRAw-HiLtt Book COMPANY: ING. ee MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT CURTIS G.BENJAMIN Mc GRAW- HILL BUILDING COTEECE DEE AER ENS FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGR WILLIAM E. HAWK NEW YORK ,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND AW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT E “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J.KELLY SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER November 10 2 3S Ss Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 'Dear Dr. Allen: I am acknowledging your letter of November 2 which has been delayed because I have been out of. the office considerably lately on many important Book Association matters. Please excuse the seeming neglect. In accordance with your request, I am sending you twenty-five each of the enclosed sample circulars, which about exhausts our present supply but a new supply will be ready within the next few weeks. , I did not think it necessary to answer our August eorrespondence because our Advertising Depart- _ ment have pretty nearly followed your suggestions made at that time. Nothing, of course, was done in August and September because they are very poor mail order months, particularly in the college and school fields. Then, too, we wanted to let the start of the football season - as well as the busy period of college opening pass by — before we started campaigning. During October, our College Department sent out almost 10,000 circulars to every Department of Physical Education and our special list of coaches. Our School Department now has on the way out a campaign of almost the same number to all the high schools of any size in the country, for the attention of both Libraries and Athletic Departments. Then, too, they have had advertisements on your book in many of the athletic papers and our efforts, of course, will be continued. McGraw-HiLt Book Company: ING. ro Dr. Forrest C. Allen PAGE —2- pate 11/10/38 Our School Department covers a great many of the State Teachers Conventions, where we have a booth and a display of our books. BETTER BASKETBALL has been at each one, although we cannot economically possibly cover them all. Do not worry. The book is being actively re-marketed and pushed and should do exceedingly well. The next three months should show excellent sales. From July 1 to November 1, we have sold almost 600 copies and for the first few days of this month, about 100 more. We feel that an excellent record, particularly in the light of the higher unit cost of the book and because of the fact that this Fall throughout the country has been exceedingly poor for mail orders. In many many meetings with the various publishing houses, many of them have told me that their mail order sales are off at least 50%. With kindest regards, Sincerely yours, ‘agit iyi! : = +t. 988% sat i GEE TL a acl up Heil “ae aught gt He “glia uty ate ba at faite de icy til ui? Na i net 1 O2 site seals i oe Hah, i i ie ith tig. iu is 7 jay! 233! ised jis : he Ala fur igs, AE Bans il eae | if Anite; is AM inti age ag aay sgh Pas? at fu, ii taghak lee - POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. » 1958. When any player i 3 sai i iH HT will iH i i iy gi ie iF its iH iE Wi nit i ere a Aaa depecxds si a Stanton, Page City, Kansas. ' latest methods yon hanny heed thet a player, @ coach and a trainer ai a Dear Ure Stanton: : Oy Director of Physical Educati Varsity Basketball Coaches tu, tt iit i bai fe He i il Be te He sii apis ia i ma Ht Lil; if ab eeu if aah Hi i iu i ui ’ his yy i in nt i iE iii | ah pip i Tele ai Mt | tht lal Segre August 25, 1958. a letter received fron Ee Ae Thoms, Associations by the High Sehool Activities Kansas high schools that > os oo of the stro chookeds You can see send me a. sample of the letter that you send peo es ging or lag bm gan Schools 0 1 at Na | ‘yt ie i a thy He Fh vas its i uh THERE Hat Hi i Hi ae 8 lis: pirestor Varei Dastootoell Coach ta mths Physical Education, Very yours sincere si ° POA:AH JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAw- HILL B oO OK GOMPANY: ING 2 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S.THQMPSON VICE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER WILLIAM E. HAWKE CURTIS G.BENJAMIN Mc GRAW -HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER oS NES ote eae MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT - SECRETARY &ASST. TREASURER NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. Se race August 9 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have been away for a few days on vacation and hasten to answer your letter of August 1 which seems to us to contain an excellent idea. We shall be glad to circularize the approximate seven hundred coaches of*high schools in the State of Kansas if you will send us your list, which list we will, of course, be glad to return as soon as the envelopes have been addressed. I will also have our Copy Department go ever your suggested letter and if they feel any changes are necessary, they will make them. However, the letter seems to be excellent, and if you do not mind, we will sign your name to it here. As I have said to you before, during the first part of the year, practically all schools of the country in one way or another received a cireular on the book, as well as the colleges. The promotion material was sent to jhe coaches where we had the name, or just tothe co when we did not have the name. The libraries of the schools and colleges were circularized as well as the Physical, Education Departments. However, as I told you, we are going to go completely through the list again and if this list of 700 in Kansas works well, we will attempt to get lists of coaches from as many states as possible. | Sincerely yours, CWM: AML