EARLE G. BROWN, M. D. COMMISSIONER BOARD OF HEALTH BENJAMIN R. ALLISON, M. D. CHAIRMAN § RICHARD DERBY, M. D. MRS GENESTA M. STRONG REV. ARTHUR B. KINSOLVING, 2NnbD CHARLES NELSON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BAR BUILDING, MINEOLA, N.Y. WILLIAM H. RUNCIE, M. D. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER November 25th, 1940. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: The foot—ball season is nearing its close and that natural- ly brings up the question of basket-ball. Late last Winter or early Spring I saw an announcement in one of the New York papers that Kansas would play a basket—ball game at Madison Square Gar- den during the latter part of December. Of course, you know, I expect to be present when that game is played. However, my purpose in writing you is to invite you if possible, to pay us a visit in Nassau County. I have recently been named as President-elect of the Kiwanis Club off Hempstead and will take office at the first meeting in January. I am wondering however, if when you come east with the team, you would arrive as early as Thursday of that week and if so, if it would be possible for you to address our Kiwanis Club at its noon meeting on Thursday. The Club meets at Hempstead, which is about 2 and one-half miles from Mineola, and either point is only 40 minutes by Long Island Railroad train from the Pennsylvania Station in Manhattan: I know that when you do arrive in New York that you will have a very busy schedule but I am hoping that there might be an opportunity of having you pay us a visit. Also, in addition to speaking at our Club, I would like to show you our department which is now housed in the new Court House as well as some of the natural beauties of Nassau County. Work is going along nicely and we have a full time personnel of more than 70 people. According to the 1940 census, our population is 408,000 and in reality Nassau County may be considered a city by itself. : So far have only seen three foot-ball games this year and all of them pro. Last year I saw most of the games played, that is, pro. games by the Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers but Mrs.