¢ JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT JAMES S.THOMPSON VIGE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER WILLIAM E. HAWKE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER McGrRAw-HILL BOOK COMPANY: INC. Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING 330 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK,N.-Y. CABLE ADDRESS LONDON “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. June 6 1.93 3 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT HUGH J. KELLY TRADE DEPARTMENT I do not like to bother you but my follow-up file brings up the point that you would send us a list of the directors of summer > schools where basketball will be offered this summer, and also a list of the names mentioned in your book, so we can write them special letters. We hope to receive these soon because we want to make sure we have missed no changes for selling any of BETTER BASKETBALL this summer. Sincerely yours,