SCHOLASTIC COACH we use in dealing ‘with the more vul- nerable parts of the anatomy. Ankles While there are a good many well- known ankle wraps, all of which are undoubtedly effective, we have em- ployed a fairly simple football strap which has given us complete satis- faction. Our ankle bandage consists of two 20-inch strips applied as fol- lows: The first strip starts on the outer border of the foot, runs over the long metatarsals and is then drawn around under the instep and then firmly up on the outside. The second piece starts from the inside of the leg about four inches above the ankle joint, and then goes around underneath the heel and is fastened firmly on the outside. We make an effort with this piece to pull the tape up firmly both on the inside and outside, using slightly more pres- sure on the outside. We do this because almost all ankle sprains occur on the outside of the ankle joint. Two pieces of one half-inch tape about a foot long are used to anchor the two-inch tape strips. It takes about a minute to apply the strips to both ankles. We emphasize in our ankle strap very little extension of the toes, except in the case of kickers who are per- mitted a good deal of extension. All four ends of the ankle strips are split down about three inches from the end, and are separated in a “V” shape when applied. The ankle strap is left on all during the week and is replaced for each game or as often as the case de- mands. Some times the tape becomes loose and must be replaced for each scrimmage. Knees All knees are strapped with a modi- fied “Duke Simpson” bandage. We use one piece of adhesive tape about 30 inches long, and a piece of felt cut in the shape of a capital letter “I”. This piece of felt varies in length according to the size of the boy’s knee. It is gen- erally about a foot long and is cut so that when placed underneath the knee joint, both of the enlarged ends will furnish lateral support to the knee joint, particularly opposite the in- ternal and external cartilages. The adhesive tape is applied so that an equal amount of tape extends be- yond both ends of the felt. This is ap- plied as follows: In order to avoid too much stiffness in the joint and also to prevent possible splitting of the tape, we permit the boy to flex the knee slightly. The felt is placed under- neath the knee joint. The tape is split down to where it comes in contact with the felt on both ends, and then is drawn in diamond fashion around the knee joint—leaving the knee cap free. Con- siderable pressure should be applied Left: Ankle Wrap This bandage should be applied with the leg extended over the table and the foot held at a 90 degree angle. The tape is pulled up firmly both on the inside and outside of the foot.