November: 8, 1940, Dr, #. °c. Allen, University of Sansas, Lawrence, ansas. Dear Dr, Allen$ We are all very unhappy that divers events and circumstances will necessitate cancellation of our plans to come to Lawrence forthe none etre Affair. I had accepted the ‘chairmanship of the committee in “charge of the budget drive at dear old Filgrim Congregational Church and since they have not made quota for four years, i thought + would stay on the job and see if we couldn't stamp out the defeatist attitude in the = Then, last summer I Yad the happy thought that the Cklahoma City printing industry should hold some kind of an event to commemorate the Five Hundredth Anniversary of printing. Werwerergiven a Chambér of Commerce forum date and this would be the date. We have had a lot of work to do to build up this grand ccélebration so vital to-our industry. Then we need a sales meeting in our own organization badly during. the middle of several special selling campaigns and Tom's home games have been so frequent that we have postponed such a sales conference to an open date. All in all, I don't see how | had the nerve to conceive the possibility of getting away this weekend. But my heart is heavy over the prospects of missing my old friends, Dorothy and Cobby join me in express ing our dis- appointment in not getting to see you and “rs. Allen this weekend, but we will make it eventually and maybe the skies “PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” i Aaa ea ae EA Se erat rota obe ae. NY na ee thee Ne ae (oatatle ‘ Sul ies easy ate A heh gh aa Sb ceo Cas a a weet eR Nan ade OP ote ce eS ge