ee Mc GRAw-HILL Book COMPANY: INC. aa ee MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y, JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT . CABLE ADDRESS i LONDON > WILLIAM E, HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. | HUGH J. KELLY SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER TRADE DEPARTMENT January 29 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I acknowledge your two letters of January 26. The first tells me that you have mailed us a check for the 125 copies of BETTER BASKETBALL you ordered in December. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I, too, wish the books had gone forward by freight but thought you were in a hurry and [I suppose at least several days were saved. However, looking back on it, I suppose the time element now isn' important as it was then. [ am sure that you will sell out the 48 copies you still have on hend. In the second letter you send us a copy of a letter from Mr. H. D. Edgren of George Williams College who intends to use BETTER BASKETBALL in his course. This is fine news and we will follow him up at once. We are also glad to have the list of the latest purchasers of the BASKETBALL BIBLE and we will check to see whether or not we have not covered most of them and if not, do the necessary. Kind regards. Sincerely, CW s Wik i | i \ ih) | if /\ ft x } ye) i h or i\ ? i) { ae ; , February 7, 19386 try atte Yee . Book Cos, new Took Oltye MeYe Dear lire MieGraws eu | 5 ne enetiniians sin tt Sitbild tanks teiadinls: Hes Mre Charles Cramer, of the Cramer Chenieai Company, Gardner, Sondaa anther af Uiee Pai thtarms Will you idudly send information regarding BETTER BASKETBALL to the firm of Se 0.» Fishers Ince, 1024 Vain Street, lynohturg, Virginial Thanking you, I an Regarding Mre Dill‘s possibility of completing his = book, he does expect to canplete it and this was merely a bulletin or a short conpilation of same of his efforts. it may be a year or pect some time to conplete ite | neh twee net tevin to dal Sou Na She At patton his book, because you imow these teachers and professors are a long — pore on pede enphny crs oe ding aie or em end additional menuseript, which should not be excessively large. Pe [ felt Ha i on ie i pee ia na i in He hn ah if He ig i ans 5 ih: fia 3 ail I di 1a Bye a Hi Ht anil it it i yl ie ig He a Hef fe Hi Le oa i 3 if He hydrates and fats, and sane admonition on the daily - | 3 methods en that Frite Crisler used in his book, Practical Foote ball, on the value of exercise and the types — e . I like your thought regarding tho possibility of having De cowtribute the Forewords This certainly would help, and I c Gro sy ade wo woul bo ory hay $2 do this for me physicians have altogether a different attitude toward ths than the oldetimers had.e Of course, there are efficient and poor Me2.'s, just as there are efficient osteopaths and osteopa « I Take your hey 70 Wise Save Senet . ete ile es cae ed silly prejudice us cae cede Satuban Gittaveak veeteandaues I do ugt bee TUUh csutitea votisees to be Wik can ter Gils ee education refusing to use this text for theiy oe A-peoples, Most of the people over the comtry lnow “an MAE Aiea a X have Geek Aoki Uda’ epeelad mises wate fe ret ree ee, Sey Moe St Ws yey Wags whe ane matey “aDe's in their athletic trainings E oD ° iene ail yt se Mh¥e 4s a highly specialised field, and while I do not hy. Gp! Ubu daveepithhe eighe So 5 auvel de, 6X’ Une ae Sime there te _ @ Certain type of work that the other fellow cammot doe I have in mind a very strong friend of mine who is an MeDs who told me that while I was correcting an injury on a boy a certain other ligD. cursed and raised the dickens, and the friend of mine said to the othor leDe, “What the dickens are you kicking about? Ne is doing stuff that - neither you mor I can doe Why, he fixed a sacrowiliae for me when I wes lame for a long times < oaks do At, dint you conMh, efthery Wy not recognize those facts and quit beefing?" And the man to whon my friend was specl:ing wes ono of the moct eninont purgeons in Sansas City. He is ey inowie | Sippeoe en Dikt ils Wbioe' thin ce theky t8is 40 Mm, and let then Joell. And then when when both of us fool that there is a real naod, and I do feel there is one now, I don't want to work » we but will both feel in the mood to hit the ball. ne eee it with a minimun of expense and and make some money. woe 3 You see, the wealmess of this book from a treatment of athletic injuries standpoint is that it is called "Better Basketball", but that is the thing we are selling. However, the reason I put 4t in this book and Basketball Bible, is that it helps the coach, and then he reads this and finds that he fixes his boy up and he tells : . chapter on treatment of athletic ine book alonese We have another angle — 5 g other fellows about it, that the juries is worth the price of the see, lis MoGraw, that I am close to the the texts on @ sub that I om, Very cordially yours, . Director of Physical Edusation, _ FOASAH oe | Varsity Basketball Coaches JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAwW- HILL B oO OK. : COMPANY: Inc g ASSISTANT ane raeeoee CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CURTIS G.BENJAMIN ‘ ; EGE DEPARTMENT Meee McGRAW-HILL BUILDING eee . JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT Z . i NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW . PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “MC GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ; ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. . TRADE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER ‘February 4 bee oS Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have been so rushed that I have had to delay answering your letter of January 28. Just to make certain we are not overlooking anything, I will again take up the matter of Dill's manuscript with our Editorial Committee, and also the question of a book on athletic injuries. I will then pass on their opinions to you. In your letter you did not. say whether Mr. Dill expected to expand his present pamphlet into something worth while and more commercially feasibles We told you in its present form we did not think it was com- mercially feasible for us and even if expanded, we doubted the market. Therefore, we merely suggested that if Mr. Dill is going to expand without any encouragement from us, we will be glad to look into the matter again in the future but we were not interested in it as at present. Maybe you have dis- cussed this with Mr. Dill and know his plans. Concerning a book on injuries, it is my feel- ing that it should not cover football injuries alone as expressed in your letter, but all athletic injuries. This will naturally widen the market and there are, of course, injuries which happen in all sports which are treated more or less alike. There is probably a4 great Similarity between all sports as to proper taping, bandaging, etc., as well as certain equipment. Hence, let us think about the book as being all ers rather than a narrow market. In -this connection, did you see a copy of Dr. Stevens! book on FOOTBALL INJURIES which was pub- lished by Barnes in 1933? I just got a copy and it McGraw-HitL Book Company-INc. to Dr. Forrest C, Allen PAGE —2— pate 2/4/38 is a terrible job from most every standpoint .of manu- facture. From the publishers, too, I learned that the book was a "flop" and I can guess many of the reasons therefor, Therefore, if we do this, we want to do it well. I think, too, we have the basis for such a book in the aporoximately ninety pages of material | on injuries in BETTER BASKETBALL. This will save, I should think, considerable expense by taking that section as a basis and expanding it. The other book was, aS you know, every expensive but I am sure in the long run it will merit the expense. Hence, in a book such as this where we are not quite so sure of the market, we should be more careful, although we want to do a first class job. It would seem to me also that the list price should be a maximum of $2.50 to make it a better commercial venture. The price of Stevens! book was $5.00 and it is small, being only 240 pages. I do not think I would include the question of training except more than a mention in a chapter that proper training has a bearing on injuries. The training idea is another subject which can be handled separately later. There is one question also that just came to my mind. You are an osteopath but, of course, much more than that. You know better than T- the feeling between M.D.'s and the osteopath. I am wondering how it is best to handle the matter to break dom any of the foolish prejudice which might arise. This prejudice might, of course, come up in adopting such a book for Physical Fducation courses, and its use by Physical Education people. Maybe I am making too much of the thought but possibly a Foreword by an outstanding M.D. in this line might help. ~ [I point out the above for what it is worth end your comments will be of help to our Fditorial Committee in their decision. Kindest regards. Sincerely yours, CWM 3 MK February 5, 1938. fu : ie Hi te Ee : February 9, 1938. MeGraw-li11 Book Cow, 330 West 42nd Street, : New York City, Nee | Dear Mre ‘ieGraws I notice the ad for Better 1 in the Athletic Jownal for February, and it is very nisee ower, if you had a out « @ phohograph or & play = = it would attract much more thiote The basketball season is getting well alomg now, and pers haps there won't be much more advertising, but I noticed the Athletic Journal carries Piggy Lembert's physiognomy in his ads en a oe * Sf ; t fy j \ F 4 AS ea : : x 3 B \ ey A \ | Sincerely yours, at i | 4 j ve : Director of Physical Educatione Ss ; A iv | iM } fy \ j Kee z i J y f f Wen | 7 ib) : | j ie I } A Pee rH ht fx | \ we \ + i j % rey i Vo} | / \ \ t : \ W / f \ \ \ \ \ / \ ie February 10, 1938. sacsini toe ae MoGrareJiili Book © 330 West 42nd New Youl City, Vee Dear Myre MeGraws I an sending you a letter from Dre Rey Ge Hulburt, otitor of the publications of the fnorioan Osteopathic Associations It seems as if Better Basketball is causing quite a@ bLt of comment over the bet you, hetter than amy~ one else, mow how the sales are Upe We sold a great munber of Bashkethell Bibles to osteopathic physicians who ere eee Ss yes Sod the pe eld aes Gand meee Hulburt a copy I am very sure that he would favorably Pe Te ey oe ee Sulee T Witt aprveiate your consideration of this requaste Very simcersly yours, Director of Thysieal Edueation, FCAsAM Varsity Basketball Conehe February ll, 1933e 330 West 42nd Street, New Yori: Citys Dear Mire MeGraws Your college book men, Mre Norman Re Beers, stopped by to say helle the other day. I February 14, 1938. Ure Curtis Tl. MoGraw, motomanitees Sek Se ° Dear litre NeGraws Thank you for your letter of the llth instante. I know that Robert Reed will be delighted with the dook, and I iknow he will do a fulsome job in publicizing ite He is a great friend of ome and I am sure thet the type of work that you poople have turn- ed out will catch his eye and cause him to give it a very splendid review in The Voumtry Teotlemne Now, sanity the Hecnh inenik on Bolte Reneetn. You will recall that this cut was made fram exhibit 96, page 279. OF Oe ee eet ae Maybe some shadowy sketching underneath the feet to show a py itn, thy much after the mamer the floor is shaw, would give — to the pleyer. Amd then of course the backboatl should be shown with its attendant diagrams The balcony rail back there gives a fization that helps. By shoving the diagram on the backboard it eS Werely by Ginatinn 0 waseehe as tho plate now shows it, is foreigh to any basketball pleyer's reaction. This just shows a — hoop in the Space and the proper orientation is not theres You will notice in this diagram the player's fingers ae lies ee ee ee ee Oe oe 1 sii fas een sell Er Cs ene fees eed Gt eut with the players show as they are in exhibit 96. There is ao much action in this cut that it is a sheme it couldn*t have been JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAw- HILL B OOK GOMPANY> Inc : ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CURTIS G.BENJAMIN NV TERESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST Brad = Eey FRNA ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW al Dad ee : JOSEPH A-HYLAND | VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER " CABLE ADDRESS LONDON Negi HERO WILLIAM E. HAWKE Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. Tate ERAGE K SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Februery 11 Lo. oe 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Tt have been negligent about my correspondence again. First of all, I have passed on to our Pro- duction Department the corrections as given in your letter of February 1 and we will have the plates changed. In accordance with your first letter of Feb- ruary 7, we will immediately get in touch with the S. 0. Fisher Company of Lynchburg, Virginia, about the book. In your second letter of February 7 you take up the question of your proposal about Mr. Dill's book. IT am glad to know about it and several years hence when he finishes anything and is ready to submit it, we will be glad to see it. The rest of your good letter is concerning the book on athletic injuries. After I have had more time to discuss its contents with the various people here in the office, I will give you a more detailed reply. However, on most of the points we are in complete agreement. In your letter of February 8 you ask that a complimentary copy be sent to Mr. Robert Reed of "The Country Gentleman", and this I will do imme- diately. I return his letter herewith. One further point. In discussing with Mr. Hyland the other day the question of the front die of BETTER BASKETBALL, we were trying to find out how best to change that die to get the figure farther Mc Graw-HiLtt Book Company: ING. to Dr. Forrest C. Allen PAGE —c£- pate 83/11/38 off the floor in an inexpensive manner. Sample "A" enclosed merely drops the bottom line, and Sample "Bf" removes all the lines of the box. In dropping the bottom line on Sample "A", we would naturally drop your name possibly half an inch. Which do you prefer? Sincerely yours, CW: MK en : MeGrewellill Book e 330 Vest 42nd Ste, 4 New York Citye Dear Mire MeGraws Thank you for your kindness in sending @ copy of Better Basketball to Dre Ray Ge Hulburt. I am sure he will give the book a good booste. I am enclosing a copy of The Xansas Athlete which earries a review of the book written by Mr. Ee Ae Thamas, Commissioner off the Yansas State Ligh School Activities Association, whom you sent a copye Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches care me ee McGraw-Hi_tt Book CoMPANY: INC. apelin ven renters CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42ndD STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT ; Hh eee ADDRESS : LONDON HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE C GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. . bd oh! SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER February 14 iS o 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kensas Dear Dr. Allen: I acknowledge your letter of February 9 stating that you feel our advertisements of BETTER BASKETBALL would be better with a cut, photograph, or play. I agree with this and I am passing your suggestion on to the Advertising Department. Of course, some of the ads have had cuts but the Advertising Department naturally changes or varies their copy at times. In your letter of February 10 you ask that a complimentary copy be sent to Dr. Hulburt and this will go out immediately. I return Dr. Hulburt's letter herewith. Sincerely yours, CW: MK Master coaching methods for training, tactics, and the physical and mental factors of better basketball —a complete, detailed manual for coaches, players, trainers, and managers BETTER BASKETBALL By FORREST C. ALLEN Director of Physical Education and Head Basketball Coach, University of Kansas 482 pages, 6x9, fully illustrated, $4.00 (a) er 163 photographs graphically illustrate the individual offense, the individual defense, the team offense and the team defense. 86 diagrams depict game forma- tions and augment the author’s clarifying discus- sions of many confusing and technical points. Technique, Tactics and Tales — ee guide for teaching and developing basketball technique, ; together with a complete discussion of how the game should be = played. The author explains graphically the most advanced develop- | ments of the game, and through copious use of diagrams and photographs = makes clear every detail of individual and-team play. 3 Technique Individual technique and individual training are stressed, as the fundamentals upon which the success of every team is based. Each move- s ment that a skilled player must execute is presented in detail. The author @ also describes a series of “skill movements,” or drills, by means of which 4s the fundamentals of play may be taught to groups without each player __ handling the ball. These will be of special value to high school and junior high school coaches. | Tactics The full treatment of tactics involves discussion of such topics as how to work successfully through a zone defense, including both “set” plays from scrimmage formation and out-of-bounds plays. The author gives thirty-four “set” plays against the man-for-man defense, and many out- of-bounds plays. There is a full chapter on methods of “screening,” explaining just how and when to execute these plays to the utmost advantage. Tales Stories of actual games show how contests have been won by the use of applied psychology. These stories are full of human details that illustrate the kind of psychological strategy which causes men to outdo themselves and upset unfavorable scores and adverse conditions. Special Features 3 A comprehensive, well-illustrated chapter on the treatment of athletic & injuries explains to the coach-trainer how to keep his players in the game. _ The book also goes into the subject of pre-game and between-game activity and shows possibilities for drawing patrons to the games. In short, Better Basketball is a complete treatment, incorporating everything that a player, coach, official, trainer, or manager of a team needs to know about his own phase of the game, and to win more games. - Complete List of Books in the WHITTLESEY HOUSE SPORTS SERIES Allen’s BETTER BASKETBALL ee Technique, Tactics and Tales. By Forrest C. “PHoc” Auten, Director of Physical Education and Coach of Basketball, University of Kansas. A complete, lively treatment, including comprehensive analysis of plays, new material on offensive and defensive tactics, training, etc., and true stories from the duthor’s experience, dealing with winning games. 490 pages, 6 x 9, illustrated. _Lamar’s THE ATHLETIC PLANT a. $3.00 Layout, Equipment and Care. By Emit Lamar, Department of Physical Education, Berkeley High School, Berkeley, Calif. Explains how to lay out, construct, and care for athletic fields and facilities for all types of athletic contests. Gives practical material on constructing athletic equipment in the school shop. Includes suggestions for conducting athletic contests in line with modern trends. Jones and Brown’s SWINGING INTO GOLF - $2.00 By Ernest Jones, Professional, Women’s National Golf and Tennis Club, Glenhead, N. Y., and Innis Brown. Ernest Jones says, “The swing’s the thing—get that right and you can forget everything else!’ His method, emphasizing one simple idea for producing a free natural — swing, is explained in detail in this book. 150 pages, 514 x 8, illustrated. Bierman’ Ss WINNING FOOTBALL $2.50 Psychology, Strategy, and Technique. By B. W. “Bernie” Bierman, Professor of Physical Education and Head Football Coach, University of Minnesota. Gives the reader not only Bernie Bierman’s rigidly practical methods for developing team and player skill, but also the keen insight, into psychological factors of winning eee ot a veteran coach. Includes detailed schedule for an entire season’s practice. 276 pages, 574 x 8, illustrate Crisler and Wieman’s PRACTICAL FOOTBALL $3.00 A Manual for Coaches, Players and Students of the Game. By H. O. “Fritz” Crister, Head Coach, and i Wireman, Line Coach, Princeton University. Presents practical, ready-to-use methods, with special emphasis on blocking, tackling, position play, the kicking game, the passing game, the running game, offensive plays, generalship, and defensive-planning. 242 pages, 5} x 8, illustrated. Littles HOW TO WATCH FOOTBALL ee The Spectator’s Guide. By Lou Lirrie, Head Football Coach, Columbia University. The reader watches a typical college football game with Lou Little, who explains as the game progresses the significance of the various plays, rulings, stratagems, etc., Includes a brief outline of the author’s own methods of building a team. _ Skillman’s SQUASH RACQUETS yo. Bese By Joun Sxitiman, Head Coach, Squash Racquets, Yale University. A manual for begin- ners and seasoned players, explaining simply and clearly the technique of the game, describing the actual plays in detail, giving advice on angle and corner shots, volleys, training, tournament play, etc. 190 pages, 514 x 8, illustrated. HLETIG TRAINERS SUPPLY CG February 25, 195f.« Me Curtis Wy 350 West 42nd | New York City, NeYs Dear ‘irs ieGraws Answering the book on athletic injuries, I think of $2650 or $5200 would be Opks Right now | to agree to do anything on the care and treatment of athletic _.-s Sgheols get alomg without traders in all sports exsept football, and I am st211 headstrong enough to feel thet : | do not get football in there you make a mistake in your sales if you could wanglie a foreword out of our friend, Dre Yorris Fishbein, it would be greats ee ae ae do ite Uowever, i do know sane medicos who are good friends of wine and who might be in better position to speak a on athletic injuries than our goed editor of the American Association. liowever, 1 say unquslifiedly he 1s the best to ob= tain, if possible, to do this kind of works : te Tae cts kan ee et ee ae tee ee ee ee ee his bless= Faget ogy Sages him eee our chapter on Treatment of Ath in "Setter Basketball", and get his reartion to won, ghee 4° we cond sak get him we nn obtain ote one Slee who will help use With every good why T ox tiled Vaaak: POAsATl | Varsity Sasketball Coach. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAwW- HILL B oO OK GOMPANY ‘- ING 3 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARRESIDENTS McGRAW-HILL BUILDING oe loa id . FRANK L. EGNE JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42ND STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT NEW YORK,N-Y. PH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW sO FS oenon DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER die pebes Loneet seas WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT K SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER February 17 i 8 o 6 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have now had a chance to discuss with our editors the question of a book on the Care of Athletic Injuries. They have also gone over the comments in your letter of February 7 about such a book and are prepared to encourage such a venture. May I also say for your information that Lowe and Campbell feel there is a good market for such a book as well but they urge that it be a reasonably priced book. I should think one for around $2.50 would suit them and those interested as well. I agree that it should certainly not be more than $3.00. First of all, it was the feeling of all of us that the book should be as broad as possible and the title not contain the word "Football", which limits to a certain degree the market. Our suggestion as to a title, as stated to you before, would be "Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries" or possibly "Treatment and Prevention of Athletic Injuries", We do not want you to think we are hurrying you in this matter for I note that while you feel there is a real need for the book, you do not care to work on it at the present time. I cannot say that I blame you although I should not think this undertaking would be nearly as large as the basketball book, particularly because part of the work is already done. By that latter statement I refer to the hundred pages which are included in BETTER BASKETBALL. What would you think if we should aim at publishing the book say in July or at the latest, August of 1939, which would mean that the complete manuscript should be in our hands by February of 1939 at the latest? McGraw-HILu Book Company: ING. Dr. Forrest C. Allen PAGE = =2—- pate 2/17/58 I have not gone over the hundred pages con- cerning injuries in BETTER BASKETBALL carefully so I do not know whether that section can be lifted out and with other material added, heave proper continuity. Certainly we should be able to use all the cuts. Whether some of the present material in the book would have to be rewritten and expanded somewhat, IT do not know. That, we would leave to your judgment. However, we should not try to save too much if the section cannot properly be used as a whole, Qn the: other hand, as stated to you before, BETTER BASKETBALL was very expensive. We should watch our expenses carefully in this book for. we probably have not as wide a market as for the BASKETBALL book. We have noted your comments on other books on athletic injuries and henee we feel that a real book on this subject may considerably exceed our expectations. - We agree also that the ss of food and nutrition should be taken up as well as training methods, but I would not devote too large a portion to it for that is really another subject in itself and may be the basis for a future book. We are also glad that you agree with us that an M.D. might contribute a Foreword which would tend to break down a lot of silly professional prejudice. The thought just occurred to me that one of our authors is Dr. Morris Fishbein, who is Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association, and after review- ing the manuscript he might be persuaded to give the book his blessing. I, of course, have not discussed the matter with him, nor would [I without your per- mission. I also do not know whether he is a rabid anti-osteopath or not, but you might like the idea. At your convenience, your comments will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, CWM : MK lire. Curtis %. NoGraw, “eGraweili1l Book Coe, 330 West 42nd Street, Sow York Citys Nels Tear Hite Tew cutee pit cok ee ot ae I want to assure you that so far as I was ooncermed I had forgotten alto~ ee es syubol or decoration that was stamped on the of Detter Basketball. But since you wrote me about your waking the change 1 again Gave yoo wy ysis ; np ona else in the sashincnee sak Bde enyone > - thing that I felt badly ebout was that I to é aur Gall on es is oe Vas a Of course wo will uske soothing thet will mie e good illustrations” . I will forget 4% with the assurance thet so far ae I em conpermed it is over the dams. You will pardon me also when I tell you thet 7 think I imow of The | anon te wove that oma book. But the book cover, in ay opin ae would went ee ERS Sone opinion, is horrids Mlease In the new printings wouldm"t it be possible to use sane other color, cither rod or blue, or any other color but this sick lenon-orange, or grepefrulte : Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH ve Varsity Basketball Coache SARS Raat McGrRAw-HiLtt Book COMPANY: INC. so Se CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARTIN M. FOSS PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT JAMES S. THOMPSON aS OE Se ea Ne eae FRAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT CURTIS W.McGRAW NEW YORK,N.Y. - JOSEPH A.HYLAND VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER PRODUCTION DEPARTM ENT : CABLE ADDRESS LONDON HUGH J. KELLY WILLIAM E. HAW “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. Se Uk OE eA OMENT KE Ss - SECRETARY &ASST. TREASURER February 19 iL 2 o 8 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: I acknowledge your letter of February 16 enclosing the review of the Kansas Athlete written by Mr. Thomas to whom we sent a complimentary copy of BETTER BASKETBALL. I have just had a letter from Mr. Reed thanking me for the complimentary copy sent him and he says he will review BETTER BASKETBALL next Fall as all his space is scheduled up to that time. I have read with care and interest your letter of February 14 concerning the diagram on the front cover of BETTER BASKETBALL. First of all, let me say again it is our feeling that the diagram on BETTER BASKETBALL and most our other books is merely a symbol or decoration and it is not really necessary that it be perfectly accurate. All our dia- grams are made from brass dies which are cut by hand and which are very expensive. I think the one used on BETTER BASKETBALL cost $40.00. We use brass dies because they are much more satisfactory in manufacture and the stamping comes out much more clearly on the rough cloth. We could, of course, use the cheap $5.00 line-cut but from our standpoint it would not be satisfactory. To do what you want done with brass eaebexm, we would have to have a speciel drawing made to follow and the whole cost would be in excess of $100.00. Then too, on brass dies there cannot be too much detail or it will not properly show up. Hence, I think the only reason- able thing to do is on Plan A to drop down on the diagram about a half-inch and end the matter. Sincerely yours, CWM: HML February 25, 1958s ue al i fl if it . il na nM ulin ; ie i he i Fae ut ti Ht ae wa i leg a a fie i wi fieil oe ie ! Ws + hie ul ee ia Coache Director of . Varsity i : . Director of Physical Edusation, Varsity Basketball Goa¢he Pebruary 25, 1958.5 Very sincerely yours, mrerter of Myetend Bow POASAH JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MARTIN M.®OSS | PRESIDENT JAMES S.THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT CURTIS W.McGRAW VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER WILLIAM. .E. HAWKE SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER Ys Mc GRAw- HILL B OOK GOMPANY: Inc f ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN McGRAW-HILL BUILDING COPTECE Oaa eter! FRANK L. EGNER 330 WEST 42ND STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT CABLE ADDRESS LONDON “MC GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. ee ponent February aS ee 2 8 Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allens Will you give me, confidentially, at your earliest convenience a report as far as your relation- Ships and observations are concerned relative to Capon who is now Basketball Coach at the University of Michigan. [I dislike bothering you but your thoughts and opinions will be valuable and helpful to me. Naturally, I will keep ee you say confidential as well. It is my understanding that you mow Capon quite well and are conversant with his background, abilities, and character. I had heard that he had coached under you or had taken one of your courses or possibly played under you, but I em not’ sure of the facts. Whatever you care to tell me wilt be appreciated. CWM ° MWK ® Sincerely yours,