Ure CeOe Burnside . Carpenter Paper Company Oklshoma City, Oklahoma . Dear "Cob", : iil isk Wa iadih cial tavtnie ot maaan ti: It arrived in lawrence . on November 9 at 7250 in yienty of time to appraise us of the Rageees OR IEty of your — + iad hiek duletend dren Sehote, intends tik Waianae, chee 1 ind been on speaking engagements with the different teachers associationss I told Eleanor on Friday night that she should be sure and look you up at the Phi Delt house even though Mrs. Burnside did not happen to accompany yous Your letter arrived at my office before noon, but I had not had a chance to sce Eleanor, so ahe ‘inquired for you and found that it had been impossible for you to make ite I can understand your complication, We. have had the YMCA drive here Hill, for which I had my assignments in building solicitation, and then ded up the Commumity Chest drive for the University heree We went over S See sae 7 tnd tach X aneba Ou Recline 2x the cay of cooperating Ca er ee ee We far over our quote here on the Hill. ii ss i ae + tee hen beste 01k one Cate wtee deters, be0 14 been a much more pleasant oocupation a than other autumns I can Ile . i oe hii Jiiindt ik. Aloe ad ¢ meek been tose very. deer to dave seen Dorothy, you and Cobby, and you tell the folke for us that we are counting wery ee es ee I think you would have been quite proud af) this tention tome endl thats tussel with the Sooners. Frankiy, Cob, Oklahoma looked like the Russian squadron big, é They did not look like the Panzer Division of the German High Command because upon two occasions the Oklehoma ball carrier caught the ball behind his ow goal line for a touchback and tried to run it out, when all he had to do was touch it dow and receive the 20-yard scrimmge essigmente Another Oklahoma player actually had to grab the guy and hold him to keep him from running over the goal lines Oklahoma has power plus but very little intelligences Their dunbhess was exhibited upon so many occasions that you could never call this Oklahoma team a smart onee