February 25, 195f.« Me Curtis Wy 350 West 42nd | New York City, NeYs Dear ‘irs ieGraws Answering the book on athletic injuries, I think of $2650 or $5200 would be Opks Right now | to agree to do anything on the care and treatment of athletic _.-s Sgheols get alomg without traders in all sports exsept football, and I am st211 headstrong enough to feel thet : | do not get football in there you make a mistake in your sales if you could wanglie a foreword out of our friend, Dre Yorris Fishbein, it would be greats ee ae ae do ite Uowever, i do know sane medicos who are good friends of wine and who might be in better position to speak a on athletic injuries than our goed editor of the American Association. liowever, 1 say unquslifiedly he 1s the best to ob= tain, if possible, to do this kind of works : te Tae cts kan ee et ee ae tee ee ee ee ee his bless= Faget ogy Sages him eee our chapter on Treatment of Ath in "Setter Basketball", and get his reartion to won, ghee 4° we cond sak get him we nn obtain ote one Slee who will help use With every good why T ox tiled Vaaak: POAsATl | Varsity Sasketball Coach.