CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD JAMES H.McGRAW,JR. Mc GRAwW- HILL B oO OK GOMPANY ‘- ING 3 ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN MARRESIDENTS McGRAW-HILL BUILDING oe loa id . FRANK L. EGNE JAMES S. THOMPSON 330 WEST 42ND STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT NEW YORK,N-Y. PH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW sO FS oenon DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER die pebes Loneet seas WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT K SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER February 17 i 8 o 6 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have now had a chance to discuss with our editors the question of a book on the Care of Athletic Injuries. They have also gone over the comments in your letter of February 7 about such a book and are prepared to encourage such a venture. May I also say for your information that Lowe and Campbell feel there is a good market for such a book as well but they urge that it be a reasonably priced book. I should think one for around $2.50 would suit them and those interested as well. I agree that it should certainly not be more than $3.00. First of all, it was the feeling of all of us that the book should be as broad as possible and the title not contain the word "Football", which limits to a certain degree the market. Our suggestion as to a title, as stated to you before, would be "Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries" or possibly "Treatment and Prevention of Athletic Injuries", We do not want you to think we are hurrying you in this matter for I note that while you feel there is a real need for the book, you do not care to work on it at the present time. I cannot say that I blame you although I should not think this undertaking would be nearly as large as the basketball book, particularly because part of the work is already done. By that latter statement I refer to the hundred pages which are included in BETTER BASKETBALL. What would you think if we should aim at publishing the book say in July or at the latest, August of 1939, which would mean that the complete manuscript should be in our hands by February of 1939 at the latest?