January by 19866 Deaxy late MeGraws He mentioned G the the Cheyenne Tribumes Thig fellow, Alfred G, Hill, ws formerly alumi secretary of the University of Kausas, and a great athe letic fan. EE Reser $i onan Mi wea ogee. but I am wondering if you would be kind enough to send hin ones I imow that ho will give “Sotter Basketball” a great boost out in thet _ part of the country, and I believe it will bo worth while in ee The University of , ah tadeltie ia gout basketball cember, and Till is a football and basketball officials I kmow that he will give the book a great boost. if 4% 4s not all right, I would willingly sending one, but if you can do 2% I will appreciate ite Very sincerely yours, PCAs AH Mireator of Physical Educations