lit’. Curtis We licGran, MoGravwellZ11 Bool Coa, New Yori: City, 1.Y. ° Dear’ bt» MoGravws t an: dentine son & SeLuein okies ' our litt. We A» D411, Divector of the University of Mensas Pub olty Bureau, Mr, Dill is very adept in doing work of this kinds This bulletin is Mre Dili's first attenpt toward-getting some- thing for the newspaper mem that would euable him to be more geourate in reporting sports events. | Yrs DELL has in mind siuhSAschlig 0 a book on just euch thincs as these that will make better and more intelligent reporting. Since “hittlesley louse has a sports series I bee lieve that a publication in this field, to be compiled by Mrs» M11, would have a very definite response froa the newspaper fraternity. Please understand that this whieh I am sending is just a pamphlet. There is much more ueterial. that tre Dill sould incorporate in a books J an ending it to you to soe if you would not bo interested in publishing something for him if he canpiled a much larger and more informative volume. I believe D411 has eemething theres Please do not think I em a praneters I just felt timt this would be e nifty addition to your athletic — Sincerely yours, |