JAMES HMC QRAW JF McGrRAw-HILL Book Company: INc. peSeeeiong yemtit MARTIN M. FOSS CURTIS G.BENJAMIN PRESIDENT Mc GRAW-HILL BUILDING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT FRANK L. EGNER JAMES s. THOM PSON 330 WEST 42nd STREET MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDEN NEW YORK,N-Y. JOSEPH A.HYLAND CURTIS W.McGRAW PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT VICE PRESIDENT AND TREASURER CABLE ADDRESS Do HUGH J.KELLY WILLIAM E. HAWKE “Mc GRAW HILL” NEW YORK ALDWYCH HOUSE,W.C.2. TRADE DEPARTMENT SECRETARY & ASST. TREASURER January 17, 1938 Professor Forrest C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Professor Allen: Your letter of January 5 arrived promptly, and we immediately sent you a supply of the new circulars on BETTER BASKETBALL. I assume that this shipment has already reached your desk. If more copies of the sheets are needed, please be sure to let me know. Needless to say, we are pleased to learn that you have been favorably impressed with the new pro- motional list. You may be sure that we shall continue to expend much time and energy in gaining the widest possible distribution of the book. I wish I could report that my ailment has entirely disappeared. It happens, however, that it is a little worse at the present writing. I helped move @ heavy case of books at the A.A.A.S. meeting in Indianapolis, and the back immediately went out of joint again. I am afraid I'll have to plan another visit to the University of Kansas in the near future. I hear you are having a very successful basket- ball season. Congratulations! Sincerely yours, Curtis G. Ben n, Manager CGB:MG College Department